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                                                     *Alex's P.O.V.;before Christopher came in*

I backed away once he released his grip around my mouth. "W-what are y-you doing here A-Axel?", I barley stuttered out. His grin widened at the mention of his name. "Why hello to you too, lovely." I squashed myself into the wall from disgust as his foul breath fanned across my face from his distance. "I said, what the hell are you doing here?", I yelled out angrily.

A loud rumble came from his olive tanned chest, causing the black shirt he was wearing to shrink back into him. His hand reached up and snatched my hair, gripping it tightly to where I couldn't move an inch.

I winced in pain but quickly covered it up so he wouldn't find me at my most vulnerable state. "Don't get lippy with me, 'Princess'.", he rasped into my ear, causing me to shutter.

"Don't call me Princess.", I managed to croak out as he tightened his grip on my clump of hair. He leaned all his body weight onto me and brought his face down close to my neck. "I see you haven't been marked yet by the Alpha, have you?", he said.

He closed the distance in between us and pressed his lips roughly to the side of my neck where my mark should be. A whimper escaped my lips when his ragged breath grew more frequent. "You know Alex, I could easily bite you right now.", he whispered into my ear.

I once again shuddered before pushing him away, slamming him into a near by wall. To my surprise, he grinned and open his mouth wide, showing off a pair of bright white fangs. His dark green eyes now slowly began to fade to red, and his nails grew into razor sharp claws.

His forehead began to shrink back and out tore two little black stubs that grew into 6 inch horns. I heard a tearing sound coming from his back, and look through the mirror to get a good reflection, when my heart stopped. Black leathery wings sprouted from his back and displayed themselves out in the open. The wingspan covered half of the small, dingy room he shoved me in.

He slowly approached me and stopped when he was only a foot away from me. He fluttered his ugly black wings, and a solid crunching sound escaped the room. "Tsk tsk Alex, I thought you had better common sense then to mess with a winged beast such as myself.

I thought you were better than that, but I guessed wrong.", he said. Before I could crouch into a easy position to deflect what was about to come, he swung his sharp claws at me. I ducked as he grunted in anger. "You know Alex, I love when your feisty. It makes my inner demon groan in delight." I gagged when he tried to pull my waist into his torso.

When for the second time, I dodged from his grip, he grew very impatient. "Dammit Alex, stop being so stubborn. Your bound to become my lover for eternity, so just surrender." I felt a wave of anxiety escape me and that's when everything happened in slow motion.

He quickly retracted his claws and leathery wings, and his eyes faded back to forest green. His long horns shrunk back into his skull and his fangs disappeared all together. He stomped over to me and lashed out his large hand. I squealed out in protest to his hand as his ice cold fingers curled around my throat and squeezed the air from me.

My legs helplessly dangled in the air as I fought for oxygen. I tried to breath through my nose, but that did nothing to help me. When his grip grew more tighter, black spots started to block my eye sight. A light whimper escaped my lips as he grunted when he squeezed harder. Before I blacked out, I heard a loud growl come from the other side of the door.

The door flew off its hinges and as everything started to fade, I heard a voice that made tingles spread throughout my body rapidly. "You messed with the wrong fucking wolf!"

Then, my world faded into a pit of darkness.

                                                                     *Christopher's P.O.V.*

As I dove into the air, I felt my body immediately cross over to my beast. Fur cascaded down my back as my claws replaced my finger nails.When I landed on the soft carpeted floor of the room, my shift was fully completed. My large paws thudded to the floor with a bone crunching pound.

I scanned the room before closing in on my target. A large man had MY Alex smashed against the wall, almost dead. I growled when he turned his head to look at me. His dark brown hair covered his dark green eyes from view. I lunged forward, firmly clamping my canines into his arm.

His grip loosened from Alex's throat and instead grabbed for my fur as a loud screech came from his parted lips. Alex crumbled down onto the floor, body un moving and limp. That fueled my anger and I chomped my teeth farther into his arm. Dark black blood spurted out from his arm and dripped down onto the floor. The taste of his blood was like acid to my mouth.

I never experienced this before and my throat grew hot and burned as some of the liquid flooded down my throat. I shook my head furiously side to said as loud crunching sounds echoed throughout the room. I slammed his large frame into the wall like a rag doll and loosed my grip enough for him to stumble backwards. I let go of his arm, but soon replaced my empty jaws with his leg.

He tried to tear his leg away as loud, inhuman screeches flowed from his mouth along with a string of curse words. I bite down and bent my neck at a certain angle when a loud crack along with a tear sounded though out the room. I twisted it the other way before removing his leg from my mouth and dove for his now exposed chest. As my large, furry body came crashing down with his stiff body, he reached out and grabbed my ear.

With his other hand, he twisted my left hind hunch and pulled it right out of the socket. I yelped in pain as he pulled my ear, causing me to roll off his chest. He took advantage of that and rolled over on top of me. I flailed around and finally got a hold of his shoulder.

I tore into it and flinched when he yanked my ear again. Anger boiled in me as I ripped is shoulder blade open and started ripping into the bone that now stuck out of his injured shoulder. Loud screams now tore through the hallway and probably echoed throughout the large mall.

I released my grip and stomped my paw into his face as my claws tore his cheek wide open. I started tearing away his flesh and sloppily bite all over the exposed flesh that was not bloodied. When he stopped moving, I stepped away and stood near the door to look down at my well done job.

His now dead body layed in the corner of the room, limbs torn from his body. My amber eyes flickered over to a still unconscious Alex that layed sprawled out on the floor in a red heap from the messy death of the man. I licked my chomps and walked over to her. I whined and shoved my snout into her neck. When she didn't move, I stood up and poped my head out of the hallway.

I quickly grabbed my clothes in my mouth and shoved my head under Alex's fragile body. I let her limp body dangle from my large back. I stepped out of the room and again, looked out into the hallway. Police officers crowded the entrance and were frantically shoving people back as two started running down it, calling out "Hey", and "Stop you mutt."

I flicked my head down the other way and seen a red 'EXIT' sign hanging above a grey door. I jogged over to it and slammed my large body into it, making it fly open without a groan of protest. My back hunch was now numb, my body already healing it automatically. I rushed out from the mall and into the back woods that surrounded it behind. I bolted for a thick thicket and ran into it just as the police officers came stumbling outside to find me.

I ran farther into the woods, dodging any obstacle in my path. I felt Alex bounce slightly with each step. 

                                                                        *Author's Note*

        OMG. Are you Guys happy? I just like..dominated this chapter. Im just too cool for this book. Btw, can you guys check out the intro to the whole story. I changed it a bit so you guys can get a better clue to what exactly is going to happen. Okay...well..see ya. Comment and vote <3

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