Chapter - 14: Her Gratitude ; His Straightforwardness

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Morning sunrays disturbed Swara's sleep, she opened her eyes, but she felt strong hold on her arms she raised her head and looked at her husband. Sanskar was holding her in his protective embrace. She stared at him for few moments the way her handled her last night, his assurance that he will never leave her hand, his care, his possessiveness and protectiveness towards her, his sarcastic reply to Sahil, everything about him creating a special place in Swara's heart. Whenever he is around her, she feels safe, smile automatically adorns her lips, the way he looks at her, she feels she is beautiful, her heartbeat raised with jet speed when he flirts with her, she feels goosebumps in stomach when he touches her. She likes to be around him, doing small small things for him like cooking his favourite Prawns Curry, helping him getting ready in morning, making knot for his tie. She remembered how he gives her his intense gaze whenever she is making knot for his tie, thinking this Swara feels her cheeks are burning and turning cherry red.

Swara tried to get up but she felt slight pull on her neck, her mangalsutra was tangled with his shirt button. She smiled and start sorting her mangalsutra from his shirt button. Sanskar felt some moment and he opened his eyes. And site in front of him took his breath away, his wife has been bending upon him while putting her one hand his chest and with other hand doing something with his shirt button.

"Swara, what are you doing?" Sanskar asked her in sleepy voice.

"Ahh my mangalsutra, sorry I disturbed your sleep" Swara said making a pout. Sanskar looked at his shirt button tangled with her mangalsutra.

"Ohh that's why I asked last time as well why you wear this complicated stuff" Sanskar said shaking his head and looking at her hands who were busy, but that gives goosebumps to Sanskar, he was feeling her very close to him.

"Excuse me this is my manglasutra. And now help me in sorting this" Swara said with wide eyes scrunching her nose.

Sanskar admired her this way of talking, ordering him.

Sanskar got up slightly and sit half lying position with the support of headboard and started helping her with her task. After lot of struggle they were successful to sort out mangalsutra and his shirt button. But when they raised their heads, they realised they were dead close to each other, their faces were just few inches apart. Swara felt his hot breath on her cheeks and she move back immediately making safe distance between them and went to washroom while blushing profusely, whereas Sanskar chuckled at her shy nature.

Sanskar was sitting on the bed while going through his mails on phone and replying back. He heard door opening sound and saw Swara coming out from washroom with simple navy blue kurti paired with red leggings rubbing her wet hairs with towel, her skin was glowing and rose scent of body wash spread across the room. She looked like goddess of pageant without any makeup or designer cloths. Sanskar gulped seeing her and thought shaking his head, 'She will kill me one day with her innocence. I should stay away from her atleast till I make her fall in love with me. Else I will not be able to control myself. I don't want to force myself on her.'

'How should I talk to him about going back to Mumbai' Swara 's thoughts were disturbed by a beep on Sanskar's mobile she looked at him in mirror who was staring at her. Sanskar also gains his senses back after listening to mobile notification.

"Sanskar, I was thinking, now everything is done for Dida here. I mean all rituals so we should go back to Mumbai. How many days we can live here? So, can we go back to Mumbai today? Is it possible?" Swara asked him while sitting on the bed.

"Whatever you say. But are you sure Swara you want to go back? See there is no issue if you want to live here for couple of more days" Sanskar asked her to reassure but he was hoping Swara will dismiss his question. He wants to go back to his normal routine. He knew once they go back, his family members will be there to divert her mind which will help her to come out of this trauma.

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