Chapter - 30: Their Journey of Togetherness

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"Bhai, when you realised that you are ready for lifelong commitment?" Laksh asked his elder brother. It was Sunday and both brothers were having sibling time in late afternoon post their Squash Game.

"What do you mean?" Sanskar said taking sip from his energy drink, he was wearing black Nike sports t-shirt and grey track pants with his favourite apple watch. They were standing at the terrace of their house facing Arabian sea. Sanskar in afternoon purposefully took Laksh for playing game at their home Squash court, he had observed Laksh silence over last one week, something was bothering his little brother.

"I mean, when you realised you are ready for marriage? I mean... I gave my consent to Ma and Choti Ma to look for a girl of their choice, but I don't know whether I am ready for marriage or not." Laksh shared his inner turmoil with his brother. Two weeks back he conveyed his decision to his mother's about going ahead with this major step of his life that is marriage, but still he was feeling nervous about this lifelong commitment.

"Frankly speaking I don't know Lucky. I always used to hear Badi Ma and Mom talking about Swara, from there, I knew she was their favourite. And somewhere I was sure that she will be my life partner. But when Badi Ma and Mom proposed sudden marriage trust me brother I felt like floor was swept away from my legs." Sanskar said shrugging his shoulders, remembering his marriage day.

Sanskar looked down, Swara was there along with his mother's enjoying their afternoon teatime. She was laughing whole heartily looking at mobile screen. His Mom was showing and telling her something with wiggling eyes.

"It was total shock for me; I was not ready for sudden marriage. But still I accepted and made promise to myself on our marriage day, that I will take care of her and fulfill all vows and promises I will make to her with each ritual. There was surety of lifelong commitment but still some where I was skeptical about my involvement in our relationship with my heart. You know Lucky, we men are confused when it comes to this beautiful relation of our life." Sanskar was talking to Laksh but his eyes were on Swara's smiling face.

"They are more sorted both mentally and emotionally compared to us Lucky." Sanskar pointed at ladies of his house down and  continued "From the day they come to this world they know the reality that one day they will leave their birth home and step inside a completely different world holding a stranger's hand, accepting his home, relations, moulding themselves in his routine, carrying forward customs and what not. It's way too difficult for us to even imagine what level of understanding you would require for adapting to new way of life, leaving everything behind their own home, family, relations ......even their own identity for some stranger. But they do it with their heart. Today after one year of our marriage, look at her, how easily she has jelled in our family like she was always a part of it. She has all firsthand information about what is going on in home. They all come from different families, background, distinct personalities but still they have this unexplainable bond with each other. Truly, Woman is Masterpiece created by nature." Sanskar said with amusement, shaking his head appreciating entire womanhood. He was looking down at three generations of women of his house with adored smile.

"Bhai you are scaring me more." Laksh said gulping hard which earned Sanskar to chuckle at his little brother's confusions. He could see himself a year before in his brothers shoes today.

"Lucky don't get scared, just trust your heart and let it flow the way it wants to go. Then only you will be able to find your soulmate in your life partner. Dad gave me some precious advice post my marriage and that was share your routine, do small small things together, become your spouse support system. Communication is major key in any relation Lucky. You have to share each and everything with your partner that helps in building trust and respect. Just take an example; did you remember Roy family's visit after our marriage?" Sanskar turned his gaze towards Laksh and then continued "I shared Kavita's past actions with Swara even though those were not even important to talk about but that step result in passing a message to Swara that we need to share everything. And may be because of that only she was able to convey her past to me." Sanskar tried to explain the beauty of this relation to his little brother.

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