Lightning and thunder

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The party ended and everyone were exchanging their farewells except for one person.

Elle stood at her window sill, looking down at the leaving guests.
Her fever has returned because of the fatigue but she didn't tell this to anyone.

Not even him.

She was not the kind of person who will tell you if she is having any problems, she won't pass on her stress to you unless it is very important.

Sighing she turned around to rest for the day when her eyes fell on the mirror.

She was still wearing the gown,removing it has become a big task.
The safety pins have been too nicely pinned and she was not able to remove them without making the pins to poke into her skin.

30 minutes, it has been since she returned to her room and still she struggled with the pins.

Her arms were aching, working for so long on her back and her neck was already sprained, watching in the mirror.

The staff left and so did the guests, there was no one she could ask for help.
Getting frustrated with futile attempts, she defeatedly lays on the bed with the dress still on.

She tried to sleep but the tightness of the dress restricted her movements.
More minutes passed and at last, she decided to pull up the length of the gown to her thighs.

As cold air fell on her lower body she got some relief from her burning temperature and unknowingly fell into a deep slumber.

He entered his room while losing his tie and removing his coat.

As soon as he entered the room the sight that welcomed him made his steps to stop right there.
His hands, which were tugging on his tie, stood still and his breathing stopped for a second.

There on the bed, his ugly duckling was sleeping peacefully with her brown hair sprawled around on the pillow.
The dress still on and her long slender legs hugging a pillow.

The dress was up till her waist and her beautiful thighs were on full display.

He had to look away instantly to stop his body from reacting to such a view.

Moving towards his wardrobe he placed his watch in the drawer specific to his watches and hanged his coat on the hanger.

His mind and body still tempting him to turn around and admire the girl lying on his bed.

Soon his thoughts were interrupted by a sound, that made him to finally turn around to find its source.

Her cute little snores made him move closer to her.
His eyes drifting to her lips which were slightly moving as each breath left them.

Her hands were clapped together and placed under her cheek as she slept like a baby.

Pulling the quilt up till her waist he covered her up but not once did he looked down.
He was a man of control and no matter what he will not see her without her permission.

He knows that she is his as they were married but still her body first belonged to her and then to him.

He was moving back from her when he saw her pulling down the quilt from herself in half-sleep.
Her snores have stopped and there were creases on her forehead.

He sighed and again pulled up the quilt on her body.
Once assured that she will not try to remove it again, he moved towards the washroom to freshen up.

He came out of the bathroom with a towel placed around his neck and his abs on full display.

His eyes fell on the bed to see her brown eyes already staring at him.
Ignoring her gaze he moved towards the wardrobe and pulled out a white shirt over his head.

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