vodka speaking

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"Inferiority complex is not born in a day,
It takes years for it to make it a belief.
Thousand words of disgrace and hundreds of hours of crying it takes.
So next time you go around joking make sure you are not placing another brick on someone else's wall of inferiority"

-suzangill ©


She felt out of place but there was just one thing that made her feel at home.
The serenity in those grey eyes.

Jake like a good friend didn't leave her alone.
She was ordered to hold onto the back of his t-shirt and not get lost.

Like an obedient little child feared to get lost in the fair, she kept on holding onto him tightly.

Faces, one after the other kept on greeting her and she politely replied.

"You are quite a famous face around here huh?"
She asked him and he just smiled in return.

But then her eyes met with another pair of brown ones and she shielded behind Jake's back to hide from him.

"Hey bro! What's up! Where have you been last week!"
His voice made her disgusted at him.
She hated this being with all her being

"Hey, Seb!! oh nothing much just work and stuff"

Never in her life, she held grudges but her past with him could give you a reason behind it.


Elle stood in the school halls with two long plaits adoring her long hair.
She pressed the books tightly to her body as the bullies surrounded her.

"So you will not do our assignment?"
A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes said looking down upon her.

"N..No ..."
She managed to reply trying to look up bravely but failing badly.

"Guys let's teach this freak a lesson!"

"No Sebastian, please!! I can't do it....I ....I have an exam... Tomorrow... please"

He moved closer making the scared soul close her eyes.

"Does it look like I care freak?"

Next, she knows cans of juicy, bottles of water, trays of food were all dumped on her head.
As she got drenched in them, fresh tears got lost somewhere.

Children were laughing around her as she was sobbing.

"Ugly freak!! Ugly!! Freak!! Ugly !! Freak!"
The halls were echoing with their words and she had to close her ears with her small hands.

This was nothing new, it was a part of her routine but still, she never got used to it.

Once done with her Seb smirked at the shivering and sobbing mess of a girl in front of him.

Raising his hand and stopping everyone he
moved closer to her to threaten her.

"If your sister was not my girlfriend I would have not stopped just here..... don't forget your place freak!"

She rushed to the washroom with people staring and whispering about her.
This boy had made her high school life a living hell.
Her biggest bully Sebastian was a devil who had ruined the little self-confidence she tried building her whole life.


"You brought a friend along? That's rare for you J!"

He said trying to look behind him to see the girl.
Elle held onto Jake's shirt tightly feeling awkward of this man's presence.

His not so beautiful wifeWhere stories live. Discover now