7. not bad as I think

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Briar's POV
The heat I felt last night on my cheeks is just something I cannot erase from my memory. My fear made me do something I could never imagine.

I hugged my Principal. And not just hug, I JUMPED AND HUGGED Mr. Wilson!

It's just so damn embarrassing. Everytime I recall that incident the face of Mr. Wilson smiling with that teasing smile comes in my head.

I can only imagine how much fun he must've made of me in his brain. And on top of jumping and hugging him, I started rambling in front of him.

Fuck my anxiety!

Only I know the real level of embarrassment I had to face.

When I came back last night I was utterly angry on Rosè. How could she leave me?!

If she wouldn't have left me there I wouldn't have got into trouble. But that's what I thought. I was unaware of the other side of the story.

When I came back, Gretchen, bianca, Rosè, Charlotte and Ariana, none was in the dorm.
There was some sort of bustle in the entire dormitory. I came out of our room and saw some girls talking in the corridor.

"what's happening?" I asked.

"I heard that your friend Rosè has got into an accident and maybe her leg is broken" Ivana, my classmate, said.

"WHAT?!" I said with my eyes almost coming out in shock.

I without thinking much went to the sick room. I was scared. I wanted her to be Okay.

Mixed emotions of fear, hurry and anxiety were taking over my brain. I was running as fast as I could not caring about anything more than to see my best friend.

I entered the sick room and saw all of my friends. I don't want to see her like that.

But a wave of relief spread over me when I saw some other girl lying on the bed. My breath came out suddenly and I panted like a dog.

Thank God she's not Rosè!

My throat was dry and I was panting, realising how fast I ran to come here.

"Briar?" I heard her voice from behind.

"Oh my God! Briar. You're Okay! I was so scared" she said while hugging me tightly.

I too burried my face in her neck. I was so relieved seeing that she's Okay, though I feel bad for the girl whose leg is broken.

Without even asking, Rosè told me what actually happened. After hearing the entire thing I realised it wasn't her mistake.

If I was in her place, I would've also done the same, in panicky. she apologised to me a several times which I said wasn't required.

Well, today is a fresh day and I want everything to be good.

I don't want to face Mr. Wilson. Not because I don't like him but because of that embarrassing scene what happened.

And by like I don't mean LIKE like. You know? Don't run your brain motors much!


The school started and I was all ready, to enjoy it. Hoping everything goes well. In the mist of all this I realised that I left my book in the library last night.

Shit! Now I have to search for it again. But I'll do that after school or maybe in the free period.

Our history class just got over soon and now it was English. Mrs. Jones was leaving but she stopped and turned around calling me. She waved towards me and went to her.

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