9. Caught

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Gareth's POV
The day was almost over and so was my work. I now realize how much work mom did. I mean it's just a school and still so many responsibilities.

I wasn't able to get time to study my book. Last night I left my book in the library, when I was reading there.

I always prefer reading in my office, but because my office is getting renovated, I had to go to the library.

Whenever I read in my room I always end up getting very sleepy and I want to finish my book in a week max.

As I can't read a book more than that. I'm not a fan of reading, even though that book is not very long.

It's either my choice to stay in school campus or just go to my house, but my place is really far from here, so just like mom, I've shifted in the school.

I don't really like sleeping alone, but since my wife left me, I've never slept in my bedroom. Whenever I go there, fainted memories come back and it hurts.

Though I live alone but I prefer sleeping in guest room. You can say that I've exchanged, both the rooms.

It feels like that room still has her smell, her feel and I can't tolerate it.

The campus room is a part of the office building but a little away from all the staff rooms and other teacher rooms.

The office building has two floors. The staff rooms are on the first and second floor. The ground floor is the library.

Principal's residential quarters, is another building where my room and office is  located.

Though it's sort of isolated but it enhances my privacy. And I prefer staying alone.

You know it's become my habit to stay alone.

It's been a few days and now I'm starting to get comfortable here. Though I can sleep alone but I still don't like it.

You can say I've never slept with full comfort, after her, that's why I have a very alert sleep.

Because now, my body has developed this habit, it doesn't really bother me much.

I was in the staff room, because my office is not in a state for me to enter. I've shifted, temporarily here for two days.

I stood up and thought maybe I can go to my room. But I wasn't sleepy enough so I thought why not I read my book.

So, I proceeded towards the library, to get my book.

On my way, I decided to maybe read the book there sometime and then I can go to my room. 

I saw my watch and it was almost 6:20pm. Good! the students won't be there as well.

Ever since I've joined the school,  all the girls always roam around me.

"you're gonna have a good time"

I remember my mom's words. I now realise why.

I now understand what young teachers, especially male,  feel in a girls school.

The looks, the smile, that special walk, I get when girls are around me is just too hilarious.

I always try to control my laugh, when they do this.

Once I overheard some students talking that their friend, a girl name Sasha maybe, on purpose did something that would make her teacher, bring her to me.

They find it an attractive option to get scolded and force their teachers to bring them to me for punishment.

But me being new, don't feel like scolding them, much. So you can say, they like to have conversation with me.

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