Impossible Positive

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There's no way this happened to me!

I'd always been so careful with Chase. We used protection every single time. Yet, here it was, staring me in the face. The digital test had one word on the screen. A single word that was going to upheave my normal teenage life and change every last thing about it:


My older sister, still in her sparkly dress from her senior prom, held me as I cried harder than I thought possible. She heard me bawling and ran in. Now, here we were. I was such a disappointment and my mom was going to absolutely kill me.

"I really wasn't being stupid, Chrys! I swear!" I said, trying to catch my breath. "We used a condom that didn't look like it was broken, and you know that I've been on birth control for my cramps since I was thirteen!"

She held me tighter and let out a soft, "Shh" to help me calm down, but it was pointless. On a regular day my anxiety was off the charts. Now, I was spiraling into a full blown panic attack.

"Poppy, if you were that careful, it could be a false positive. These things happen all the time," Chrys said.

"You really think so?" I asked.

"Uh-huh." She nodded. "But the only way to know for sure is to take you to the doctor and have them do a test. We don't even have to tell Mom this happened, unless it's positive, of course. I'll keep your secret as long as I can. Even though you've always been a snitch and I know you wouldn't do the same for me."

"Oh, that's a relief," I said, letting out a deep breath. "You're the best, Chrys."

"Yeah, I know," she said.

Mom was already strict, and she'd be livid if she not only had one daughter becoming a teen parent, but two. To top it off, I was two years younger than when Chrys got pregnant only a year ago.

"We'll figure this out when I call them on Monday, since they're closed tomorrow," Chrys said, getting up from the edge of my bed. "Wash your face and try to get some sleep. Don't worry about it for now."

I held myself as the throbbing in my chest evened out and my breathing went back to normal, the peak of my panic attack now a thing of the past. Chrys came back one last time and gave me one of her big, squeezy hugs before shutting the door.

"Goodnight. Don't worry," she said.

"I'll try," I said.

There was a good chance that Chrys could actually be right. Everything would stay just the way it was. Our lives were crazy enough with my twin nephews and my celebrity boyfriend.

I dimmed the lights and changed into my pajamas, then sat back down. I grabbed Hugsley, my teddy bear that looked just like the one on my favorite series, Castle of Shadows, and held him tight.

It was a Hugsley kind of night, just like the night before.

With one arm in a death-grip around my bear, I reached over and grabbed the pregnancy test. Out of sight, out of mind, sounded like the best option.

I opened the bottom drawer of my nightstand and dug past all my art supplies to the very bottom, then set the possibly-false-positive pregnancy test down in my pencil box with the two others from yesterday.

They all had the same result. Positive. Positive. Positive.

At this point it didn't look like any of that was false, but I still didn't understand how this could happen after how precautious we were. A little TMI, but I even made sure Chase pulled out. I knew that those new eco-friendly condoms weren't the greatest, but I thought they'd actually, you know, work.

It was late and I was getting sleepy. I pulled the chain on my lamp and the room went dark, and I was actually starting to drift off to sleep. Then my phone buzzed. I moaned and reached for it in case it was Chase. He'd be at the studio late tonight again.

Polly, u there? I'm high AF rn.

It wasn't Chase, but someone who was completely identical in every physical way. It was his brother Jace, or as I like to put it, the douchebag father of my nephews.

He must've been looking for some girl he was screwing and was so high he thought "Poppy" was this Polly girl he wanted to bang.

We on for tonight?

I rolled my eyes, clearly not answering. I was so pissed. My nephews were literally over at his house, clearly being ignored by him while Chase watched them. I felt bad for Chrys. If I was actually pregnant, at least the father wouldn't be the evil twin. 

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