Hurt Feelings

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With one week to go until my anatomy scan and two weeks until my gender reveal, I should've been happy. I should've been bubbly and excited and ready for what was going to come my way.

That wasn't how my life was going, though. Everything sucked. Everything was a big mix of awkward and stressful, all put into a bowl with me as the mixer.

Like it was my fault. Like I turned the setting on turbo and instead of a sweet bowl of unbaked cake batter, it was just inedible mush.

I felt my head get yanked again. Destiny was being way more rough than usual. She gave my head another tug. I looked in her vanity mirror to see her stank face working on weaving blue and pink ribbons into the French side braid going across my head.

"You can't be mad at me forever," I said.

"Watch me," she said.

I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, okay. I don't want to leave you either. I don't want to have to be in a different marching band or make new friends or move or do any of that. I'm not leaving you on purpose."

"You think I don't know that? You picked the better house, and I get that. I just don't want to face the bullies alone. I don't want to go to school without my bestie. And I feel like once you have the baby I'll barely see you."

"That's not true! I'll have that nice big house and you can come over all the time! The Uber charge won't even be that much," I said.

"I know, bestie. It's just like, so much change. It's too much change. You've been living down the street since we were little. And first you got pregnant, now you're moving and now you're not just moving, you're leaving me!"

"I know. I don't wanna go either," I said, hugging her from behind.

"My mom said you can come over any time, I promise."

"She always says that. You seriously have the best mom."

"Yeah, I know." I looked down at my ever-growing bump. "I hope I can be half as good as her. Or Chrys."

"I think you will. And if not, they'll have the best fun auntie in the whole world." She tugged my head, more gently this time. "You ready for your entrance exam?"

I think so. I got all the practice questions right on their website."

Destiny shook her head. "Private school smartypants."

With our new house being outside my old district, I had two options: go to public school, or attempt getting into Hudson Prep: the local private school that focused on STEM.

Their main focus was to serve low-income kids. Mom always wanted us to go, but we were outside the range of their buses. Now that we're closer, I had a shot at taking the entrance exam.

If I got in, I'd be able to get a butt-ton of college credits. Plus, after talking to the principal, she said they have pregnant students at least once a year and other students are already parents.

She assured me I wouldn't be made fun of because some of the other students have been in my shoes.

"Look, that's if I pass the entrance exam," I said.

"Girl. We're both in honors classes and you always get better grades than me. You'll be fine." I could feel her moving to the back of my head. "So, how's the hubby?"

"Not thrilled. I think I hurt his feelings by picking the house instead of the apartment. I don't get why he doesn't understand that this is better," I said.

"He wants to have space where you guys can go fool around in private."

"After what happened the last time, I don't think so. Besides, if I get into Hudson Prep I'll be so busy that I probably won't have time to be goofing off anyway." I sighed. "I just wish he wouldn't be so upset about it."

"Well maybe it's other things, ya know? Like he's doing the show plus two movies right now, with a baby on the way."

"Yeah. That makes some sense as to why he's not responding as much. Sometimes I forget that his life can be really crazy sometimes."

"Not as crazy as his character in the show, though," she said. We both laughed.

"I think I'll just wait until next week for my appointment," I said, scrolling through my phone. I looked in the mirror. "Maybe we should do blue and purple ribbons. Since it's more of a blue and purple theme instead of blue and pink."

"Look, I've got blue and pink. Give me a couple days to go buy some new ribbon and on the big day it'll be blue and purple," she said. I saw her smiling. "I think it's a boy. I'm gonna get my braids dyed blue."

"What? Why? I like the green!" I said. "How could you think it's a boy?"

"Because you're your mother's daughter and your mom is wrong about everything. Let's not forget that you were wrong at the last gender reveal, too. So I'm going with the opposite of whatever you say."

I huffed and crossed my arms. "I literally haven't thought of any boy names."

"Wait, so you have a girl name picked out and you haven't told me yet?"

I giggled. "That's a surprise. No one knows until she's born. I like surprises."

"Oh yeah? Well you know what's not a surprise?"

"That you did a damn good job on my hair?" I asked.

"Hell yes!"

She handed me a mirror so I could see the back of it. The French braid was twisted into a sleek bun with the ribbons tied up in a blue and pink bow.

"It's totally perfect. I love it!"

"Yeah, I know. One of these days I'm gonna have to start charging you. I can't keep doing these things for free. A girl's gotta make a living."

"Listen," I said, getting up. "When you own your own salon, I'll pay up. I'm gonna go back to the cardboard box fort that has become my room, if you want to join in."

"Can't. Gotta meet my family for dinner. The cousins are in town." I pouted. "Puppy dog faces won't send them back home. I don't have a choice."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, I guess," I said.

"See ya. And don't let Chase get to you. Him and his 'hurt feelings' can man up!"

"I'll let him know you said that," I said, walking out of her room.

I made my way down the stairs and out the front door. My feet were kind of swelling, but I did my best to fast-walk back home. Storm clouds were rolling in, and I wasn't going to risk getting my perfectly-done hair wet.

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