24 | future

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"...because he realized that his daughter was up to no good," William concluded with a smirk and Eliza giggled before climbing down his lap. Running towards his desk, she picked up her jacket just as another knock on the door followed.

"Where are you going?" he questioned and Eliza turned to face him as he put on his shirt; the linen was back on his body making her forget her lustful thoughts about him. She put her jacket on and pulled up the zipper.

"If Papa sees me here he'll be furious."

"You're going to escape? How?"

"No, I was rather thinking of hiding inside your bathroom," she said and she didn't miss the hint of tension that crossed his eyes.

"I don't think you should do that," he said, sounding serious.

"C'mon, I can't let him see me," she pleaded. "I lied to him about going to James'. He will be upset."

Eliza didn't wait for him to answer before she picked up her shoes and rushed towards the bathroom.

"Wait!" She heard him call out but she locked the door before he could stop her.

She pressed her ear to the door, putting an effort to hear whatever her father had to say. Her anxiety grew fast and she feared that Harvey would know she was here. Soon, she heard the click of the front door as William opened it.

"Why are you here?" She heard him say to her Papa. He sounded anxious and she knew it was because of her.

He needn't have to be.

"William." She heard Harvey speak. "Son, I am here to tell you that I won't be able to help you."

She did know which grabbed her attention more — the word 'help' or 'son'.

"Now is not a good time to speak," William said and even though he tried to sound okay, she could feel the nervousness in his voice.

"No. I have to," Harvey spoke. "I know that whatever happened was very unfortunate but there's no way I can help you. I can't."

"Mr Scott, you should go." William's voice was harsh but very low like it was almost taking him an effort to speak.

"No, son, listen to me," her father began again.

"Mr Scott, please go."

She was puzzled by William's defiance. It was like he didn't want her to hear what her father had to say.

"William, look, I have thought about it a lot..." her father continued. "But I can't take the risk. You must let her go."

"What?" This time William didn't stop Harvey and it seemed like he had forgotten about Eliza in his bathroom.

"You must let her go," Harvey repeated himself. Eliza had no idea who they were talking about but she was getting more and more interested.

"No," William said, his voice breaking. "You promised me. You said you will help me get her back."

"I can't, son. This isn't possible. I have thought of it a lot and I have come to the decision." Her father's voice was tensed and laced with a hint of anxiousness. "I need to think about my daughter. Whatever happens at the end will break her heart. I know how much destruction I have brought to your fate but I need to think about my Eliza first. I'm sorry, son."

Eliza started at his words. She couldn't believe what she had heard and she stood there, shocked.

"Please don't do this to me." She heard William beg. "I can't. You took away everything. Please, don't make her disappear. My future is in your hands. Please." She could hear him on the verge of tears and her heart thumped so loud that she heard the sound of it in her ears.

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