a letter to William

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22nd May 2018

Dearest William,

I write this letter for my ears have been greeted with all kinds of evil rumours about you having second thoughts about our marriage and as the ceremony dawns closer, it aches my heart to know that you would feel such a thing. Due to the constant trouble that lingers in my head when I see your indifference towards me, I have found myself in correspondence with my fears. I fear that you doubt my love and therefore, I want to clear that doubt once and for all.

Eliza Scott isn't like any other woman. She is a mess. She doesn't have dreams, nor has she been blessed with one of God's many gifts. She is hopeless in her own world, her thoughts conflicting with her emotions and she has found herself being in need of constant support. She doesn't dream of earning money. She doesn't dream of being an empress or a symbol of power and struggle. Eliza isn't sure about anything in her life except William Ray because she is sure she loves him. He is her anchor. He is the dewdrop that fell on her skin and seeped through her veins to travel through her entangled nerves and reach a perfectly safe spot in her heart. He is her everything. If he dies, she will perish because without him, her heart is nothing but a cold stone.

Eliza is William's shadow even though he doesn't know it. She prays to God day and night to keep her beloved safe. Her love for him knows no boundaries and it goes wherever he goes. The past, present or future, Eliza's heart will be William's forever and ever.

My heart will walk with you through the darkest of times. I will cherish with you in your joy and cry with you in your pain. I will be there to keep you warm when you are cold. You rule my cruel mind, my moonshine, a mind that wants nothing but you. I have never been good with words, you are the king of them. I don't know how to convince you of my sincerity with their use and yet I have decided to try my best.

Don't doubt my love for it is a feeling that was authored by you and it will forever be indebted to you. This love will be there, through the tranquillity of your peace and when you cross the ravenous seas. It will protect you from every monstrosity of this world. Whenever you feel like the whole world is against you, just look at your Eliza and you will find yourself safe in her arms. I will be your armour and the entire universe will be scared of hurting you. You will always find me by your side if you care enough to notice someday. I will be your preacher and you will be my pride, and all you have to do is never leave my view.



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