Check up

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Alice POV

I sigh as I hold my rib cage, the painkillers were wearing off and it was killing me. I had to walk bent over a little so it would easier to breathe, that body slam Natsu did on me actually made my injuries worse, and I think he cracked my ribs with his kick. Walking into the living room I was greeted by the brothers which I waved back. I walked and plopped onto the couch as I lean back laying my head back.

"How are you doing?" I heard someone ask as I stared up at the ceiling, I glanced over to see Masaomi.

I smile at him, "Actually I hoping I could get a check up. I'm not gonna lie I'm in a lot of pain."

He nodded with a smile, "Do you wanna do it here or in the room?"

"I don't mind here." I hummed sitting up with a slight grunt.

"Can you show me were it hurts the most?"

"Yeah, it's mostly my ribs and back." I say as I start lifting my hoodie up stopping at the end of my chest.

"Alice this is very bad," Masaomi said shocked as I look down looking at my ribs.

A large reddish purple mark wrapped around my ribs spreading to my stomach and back. I looked at it then shrug, "I've had worse. Is it broken?"

"What.." Masaomi look taken back as he gently ran his fingertip along my bruise applying light pressure to each of my ribs. I bit my lip to stop myself from flinching. He sighed nervously, "It doesn't seem like anything's broken."

"Hm Larique? What's this?" I heard Ema speak as I look at the two.

Larique was in her cat form with folded papers in her scarf, just like Juli, only Ema and I can understand her words thanks to Eira's enchantment. Eira what people call a witch, she does all kinds of low level enchantments and uses magical items but because she excels in both she gotten crazy powerful although not as powerful as Erza pretty close though.

"Don't know. I can read your language." Larique said and it took me a second to realize what she was talking about.

"Oh thank you," Ema smiled grabbing the papers.

"Wait Ema don't read that!" I jump from the couch and ran over to her taking the papers, "it's nothing! Trust me you don't wanna read this!"

I held the papers away from her as she looked at me suspiciously, Juli jumped and crawled up trying to see the papers which I quickly moved it away. Soon Juli and I where playing an intense game of keep away.

"Alice you really shouldn't be moving around so much with your injuries." Masaomi spoke worried as he tried to calm me down.

"I'm fine don't worry!" I yelp as I move the paper outta reach of Juli's paw as I grab his tail with my other hand, "Ha! I win!"

"What's this?" I turn to see Kaname had snatched the papers out my hand.

"No!" I tried to lunge at him but was stopped by a pair of arms hugging me from behind lifting me off the ground, I turned shocked to see Tsubaki smiling holding me.

"We just want a little peak, you said it was nothing." He smirked holding me in the air as I squirmed around, I mean I can't hit him otherwise I would be outta this situation.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I grab his arms and start to forcefully move them, in which he resisted.

As I was busy struggling to set myself free. By now all the brothers that were currently home heard the commotion and gathered around, my heart dropped as Kaname began to read the papers out loud.

"M.Q.C Medical Report for: Alice Hinata. Mission Date: Sept. 21. The listed agent above received the following injuries: Deep tissue bruising on the left thigh, cracked 5th & 6th right ribs, cracked clavicle, bruising along back of the neck, a superficial laceration above the left eyebrow to the bottom of the left temple, bruised left cheekbone, slight swelling left corner of the bottom lip, bruising along right jawline...." The room fell quiet as they all looked at me, Kaname continued, "Treatment: Ice injuries daily, limit movement as much as possible, rest. Won't recommend more than 5 level 8 missions."

Ema looked at me as she grabbed the paper, "Alice this is not nothing! This is serious! You need to be careful, how did you even cover this up and think it was okay!"

"Makeup and I didn't want to worry you. You already passed out from stress!" I say as Tsubaki finally put me down gently.

"September 21... That's Subaru's birthday, you hide this since yesterday and even fought your friend, " Ukyo pointed out as the room continue to feel tense, "I agree with Ema this is something very serious."

"Just relax, work just went a little south. I'm fine! See I move around just fine!" I pout as I move my arms around. I didn't like getting ganged up like this.

"Alice you shouldn't move around like that. It could make things worse." Masaomi said concerned.

"What do you even do to get hurt like this?" Azusa asked.

"Uhh I really can't tell you but I'm in simple terms I'm a bounty hunter?" I sighed.

"Bounty hunter! Alice, you're 15! You shouldn't be doing dangerous stuff like that!" Ema scolded.

"Ema calm down you're gonna make yourself sick again, " I spoke, she was getting too worked up and I couldn't help but worry.

"Alice this isn't about me!" Ema looked at me and she took a deep breath, "Alice, go take a shower I'll bring you clothes and you're now let Masaomi look at you. "

"Ema.." I was going to protest but she gave me a tired expression and I nodded and headed to the bathroom, Masaomi following close behind.

When we got to the bathroom he asked me, "Are you going to be okay? Do you need any help?"

"Masaomi I'm fine, I don't get why everyone is making this such a big deal!" I pout shaking my head, "Even Ema scolded me and she never gets mad!"

"I don't think she's mad at you, she's just worried like the rest of us." Masaomi gave me a gentle smile as he gently patted my head. "I'll wait by the door for you to finish alright?"

"Okay..." I sighed and went into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

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