Secret pt.1

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Alice's POV

"Ovunth....Ovunth! Where are you! Help I'm scared!" I scream as I run all round me is dark. I could feel someone chasing me and I knew it was him. "Don't leave me!!"

I trip over something as I look down at my tiny hands, I was a child again. I look what and I feel the tears swell in my eyes as his shadow creeped closer.
"Alice..." My head snaps forward as I see her. "Why'd you leave me? I thought you wanted to stay together.. Wasn't I enough?"

"N-No i-i had to save you! Im sorry it was the only way." I stumble to my feet as i chased after her but no matter how fast i ran i couldnt reach her. "Please! Im sorry! Dont go!"

"Where are you going? My little monster." His voice laughed right behind me and i turn to see his see as his hand reached to grab me....

My eye shot open as I quickly sit up as I huff my whole body trembled as my heart pounded against my chest. I clench my chest as sweat dripped down my chin.

"..It..i-its just a dream.." i hug my knees into my chest as i calm myself down. I look over to see Ema sound asleep and I smile relaxing "Just a dream.."

Quietly i get outta bed and i grab my phone seeing that Raiden had ready texted, I leave Ema's room and I go to my room grabbing some clothes i go the bathroom taking a quick shower to wash away all the sweat and clear my mind. Afterwards I go to the kitchen and I get me some breakfast and i take a look at the calendar, tomorrow was the wedding and tonight is the only time that all the brothers were all gonna be together.

"Alright. I'll tell them tonight in one go. I'll tell Miwa at the wedding." I smile at my plan as I sit at the table eating alone. When I finished i cleaned up my mess and checking the time I still had some time so I cooked breakfast for everyone, afterwards I cleaned up the mess.

"Huh? Alice?" I look over to see Ukyo entering the kitchen, "You're up early."

"Yeah, it happens sometimes. Well i made breakfast for everyone." I smiled at him.

"Thank you." He was walked up to me with a smile and patted my head.

I looked up at him with a smile still, "Oh, and good morning."

"Yeah, good morning." He moved his hand as he turned and tried some of my food, "This is well made Alice."

"Thanks, Ema isnt the only one who can cook." I grinned, "Well enjoy. I have to go, work stuff."

"Alright be careful."

"I will, also I have something important to tell everyone tonight so can you make sure everyone knows."
He nodded and I thanked him before saying bye and heading out to the meet up place.


The training with Raiden was pretty easy as he just wanted to see what I could do, so he just had me fight a magical dummy and worked out. After training we went on some missions together before we parted ways and I went to class and practice. I went home and studied with Yusuke for a while, he finally could tell that i really couldn't read Japanese and he sighed alot but it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be, he wasnt a bad teacher but we didnt study for long since he had to study himself. So I went and hung out with Ema helping her with chores. The day passed by as dinnertime rolled around I started to get nervous mostly because i didnt know what or how i was gonna tell them.

I sat next to Ema as everyone was eating, I was stuck in my head eating when Ema called my name.


"Are you okay? You have been really quiet." She asked worried.

"Oh yeah I'm fine just thinking." I smile.

"Ukyo said you had something important to tell us." Kaname said.

"Yeah," I look at everyone and notice that Fuuto wasn't here, "well I want to tell everyone together but the annoying one isnt here."

"Annoying one?" Ukyo asked raising a brow.

"She means Fuuto." Ema sighed, "They aren't getting along."

"Cause he's a jerk!" I pout.

"At least I can reach the top shelf, shortie." Fuuto said as he entered the room.

"At least I have useful life skills you just hav a pretty face." I glare at him as he glared back at me.

"At least Im pretty."

Ema stopped me before I can say anything else and tsubaki laughed at our squabble. After dinner everyone gather into the living room on the couch and i stood in front as they all looked at me.

"How should I say this." I ask myself.

"Just say it already." Fuuto groaned.

"I have to say it right or everyone wouldnt believe me so zip it im thinking!" I respond and we glared at each other again.

"It's alright Alice, no matter what it is. we'll believe you." Masaomi smiled.

"Promise?" I look at them unsure.

"Of course Imouto-chan." Kaname said with a smile, and the rest of the brothers agreed.

"Alright, um Ema and Wataru already know this but im a wizard."

The room was completely silent as they all looked at me with wide eyes.

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