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Hikaru Yaotome sat at the back of the room near the window.

How cliché it looked with a handsome guy sitting at the far end of the room. His auburn hair swayed as the wind passed by, his eyes like the color of hazel stared dazedly out of the window, and his lips curved to form a sweet smile.

The rest of the class stared at him in awe like he was some kind of painting. He was too beautiful for words.

The thing about Hikaru Yaotome is that he's the most popular guy in school so his entitled the Prince of Meijin. He is academically smart, athletic, handsome, social, rich and all other aspects of one considered to be perfect. He is also the bassist of their school band 'HeiSei'.

“Class! Stop staring at Yaotome-kun!” their music teacher, Kitagawa-sensei yelled at the class.

Everyone immediately turned to face him except for Hikaru who was still busy staring out of the window.

“Sensei! Yaotome-san is still looking out of the window” a girl in geeky round glasses said. She was infamous inside the class for being a tattletale.

Some guys looked at her in disbelief while the girls glared at her.

Did she just dare on telling on the great Hikaru Yaotome? Whose considered as one of the most popular guys in school?

“I am well aware of that Kawasumi-san” Kitagawa-sensei sighed. “And besides Yaotome-kun already knows this, so I think he doesn’t need to be taught again”.


“No more buts, if you really want to, you can get out of my class Kawasumi-san” Kitagawa-sensei firmly said. It was evident to the class that he too was tired of Shirahashi Kawasumi’s rants.

Kawasumi just gaped as Kitagawa-sensei turned his back on her and continued on with the lesson. Not many people actually liked her so snickers and dirty looks were thrown at her from every direction. She slowly sat back down her seat, her face flushed red from humiliation. She turned towards Hikaru and glared at him menacingly.

‘You will pay for this Yaotome Hikaru’

Hikaru just sighed, paying no attention to anyone except to a certain freshman who was doing his Physical Education class outside. He giggled as the said boy clumsily tripped while no one was looking.



“Itai!” Hikaru rubbed his arm as Kota Yabu, his best friend and childhood friend had pinched it painfully.

Yabu glared at him. “I don’t care if Kitagawa-sensei permits you to daze around during class hours but school time is school time!”.

“Awww! Yabu don’t be like that” Hikaru poked Yabu’s cheek making Yabu even more irritated.

Yabu held out his book and used it to whack Hikaru on the head.

“Itai! Ko you meanie!” Yabu sighed at his childish best friend. He still wonders why a lot of people admire this guy.

“So, care to tell me the reason for your dazing session?” Yabu asked. He sighed, he was sure it involved that kohai again from the freshmen.

He knows that Hikaru was currently obsessing with him. It pained him to see Hikaru so caught up on someone else, especially the fact that he is not even friends with that guy. Hikaru you baka!

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