Chapter Two

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Yabu’s POV

I let out a sigh as I waited for that idiot Hikaru.

I’m standing here outside of his house which was our usual routine but lately he has been going to school earlier than me.

Who could have imagined that the idiot Hikaru would wake up early in the morning? It was unusual and so were his excuses. His been giving me excuses like being the monitor for the day, or returning a book in the library and even helping the gardener in our school.

Really Hika!?! Did you really think I’m dumb enough to buy your excuses after knowing you for all these years?

You, Yaotome Hikaru? Going to the library?

The only times he actually did it was to impress some girls that he was studying when in fact he was actually napping. Ugh, and I had to be the one to cover him so no one would see.

And how is it that you’re the monitor of the day for 3 days straight!?!

And of all the excuses he could have given me this was the worst…

How could you help the gardener if we don’t even have a garden on our school!?!

That liar… If he intended to lie to me the least he could do was to make his excuses believable. Ugh, calm down Yabu. Don’t get irritated so early in the morning.

“I’m going now mom!”

Normal POV

“I’m going now mom!” Hikaru bade goodbye to his mother.

He hummed a happy tune but stopped when he saw Yabu waiting for him outside of his house.

“K-Kota? What are you doing here?” Hikaru asked in surprise. Yabu raised a brow.

“Why? Isn’t it usual for us to go to school together?” Yabu asked suspiciously.

“W-Well, yeah, I suppose. Sorry, I’ve just been busy a lot lately” Hikaru says as he proceeds to walk to school. Yabu followed him while walking beside him.

‘Sorry Kota, I’ve been busy stalking Keito. But now that you’re here I can’t start my early morning stalking’ Hikaru sulked in his mind.

“Ah!” Hikaru exclaimed. Yabu stopped from his tracks and looked at Hikaru in shock.

“The hell Hikaru! What’s with you all of a sudden?” Yabu whacked Hikaru in the head with his bag.

“Itai! Ko!” Hikaru complained as he rubbed his head.

“Okay, so tell me what’s wrong with your idiotic mind now?” Yabu crossed his arms. He looked at Hikaru irritatingly.

‘Geez, tell me again, why did I fall for this idiot?’

“I-uh, do you know anything about Okamoto-kun’s dad?” Hikaru asks.

Yabu wanted to scold him again on why his been obsessing with that kohai but after seeing Hikaru’s serious face he decided not to. He let out another sigh he was getting tired of hearing that kid’s name. Of all the people, why that guy?

“You don’t know? Haven’t you heard of the rumors?”

“Rumors? What rumors?” Hikaru immediately gave all his attention to Yabu. He wanted to know and he couldn’t believe he hasn’t heard anything of it.

“Seriously? You don’t know?” Yabu asked disbelievingly.

‘Do you only see the good parts about this guy?’

“What!?! Tell me now Kota! Don’t leave me in suspense” Hikaru demanded while grabbing hold of Yabu’s shoulders.

“Whoaw! Whoaw! Calm down, I’ll tell you but first you have to answer my questions truthfully after I tell you, is it a deal?” Yabu asked as he extended his hand to Hikaru. Without hesitation Hikaru grabbed it.



“Well, first off I heard his dad was a criminal”

“A criminal!” Hikaru couldn’t believe it.

The sweet and angelic Keito has a criminal for a father!?!

“Yeah, and remember Fujigaya Taisuke?” Hikaru’s eyes widened after Yabu had mentioned the name. His blood began to boil again. He was still mad about the events that had happened yesterday.

“What about him?” Hikaru’s voice was cold and Yabu could sense it.

“Well, apparently the reason why Okamoto’s dad was in prison is because he killed Fujigaya’s dad”

“WHAT!?!” Hikaru’s face was in shock.

‘K-Keito’s dad killed Fujigaya’s dad? Is that why Fujigaya’s been bullying Keito? But, it’s not Keito’s fault! He’s not the kind of person to kill anyone. His kind and he would never do that so why does he have to suffer for his family’s fault?’ Hikaru clenched his hands tight.

‘This is unfair! Why does he need to suffer?’ emotions began to swirl inside of Hikaru. It hurt him to know how Keito’s been suffering for something his not even at fault with.

“Now that I told you about Okamoto’s father you have to give me some answers too. And this time truthfully answer them” Yabu turned to Hikaru.

“Okay, a deal’s a deal. Ask away my friend”

“Who was the person you were with yesterday?” Hikaru flinched.

‘He saw us?’

“You can’t lie to me Hika, Yuya and I saw you walking with some mysterious guy” Yabu cornered.

‘Damn it Hikaru you’ve been keeping things to yourself lately. You’re not even telling me what’s going on anymore’ Yabu clenched his hands tight. He was tired of Hikaru keeping secrets from him. He wants to know the truth and he wants to know it now.

Hikaru sighed and looked at Yabu. “Okay, I’ll tell you everything. You see......”

Hikaru explained all the things that had happened yesterday and Yabu just stood there shocked at what happened.

“Taisuke did that!?!” Hikaru just nods in reply.

“Why were you even at school that late?” Yabu questioned. “I thought you went home already”.

“Uh, well, I left something and came to pick it up” Hikaru answered.


Yabu just stared at Hikaru as he laughed awkwardly.

‘I’m sorry Kota, I can’t tell you yet that I’ve been stalking him. You’ll probably scold me and tell me that I’m crazy. Well, I am crazy. Crazy in love with my Kohai’

End of Chapter Two


A/N: Gomen, this chapter has been short. But it did answer some of your questions, ne?

Notice Me KOHAI~! [On-Hold]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora