Chapter 17

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"Are you shitting me right now?"

Everything was coming out now. I began questioning Harvey about what had happened and he broke completely.

Now I know why Leo went back in to get Hunter. He felt guilty because it was his fault.

The three of them were doing drugs in the unused science classroom where the fire started.

Harvey's head hung low, his face in his palms.

"Since when did you do drugs?" It was a stupid question. I knew the answer already.


"Leo mentioned he did dealing and I was curious... I didn't expect to get so out of hand with them."

I couldn't help myself, I launched myself over to him and started hitting his arm.

"All this time I've been so worried about you! About how you've changed and that you weren't the same Harvey who used to be my rock! The person I could rely on!" I was screaming at this point.

He was such a fucking idiot. My punches were weak enough not to hurt Harvey as he sat there and took all the pitiful blows.

"I know, Eliana." He began to sniffle slightly and I stopped hitting him "I'm so sorry."

"You're such a fucking idiot." I cried, tears stinging my eyes as I pulled him into a hug.

I hated Leo.

Everything had gone downhill since he turned up.

My brother was on drugs. His Mum was making me spy on him. He set the fucking school on fire.

I'd had enough.

"You're not gonna speak to Leo anymore. Do you understand?" I spoke into his shoulder, my hands gently rubbing his shaking arms as he also began to cry.

"How? He's in practically all of my classes. He's friends with all of my friends."

"I don't care. From now on, we're done with that boy."

"We? Since when were you two good friends?" Harvey pulled back slightly and looked me in the eyes. Those same green eyes as mine, slicing straight into me.

"He's your friend and you're my brother. We know each other. That's all." I had to tell a little white lie since Harvey still didn't know that Leo was my ballet partner.

Luckily with this performance out the way, I wouldn't have to deal with him there anymore.

For a moment, Harvey didn't look convinced at all, but eventually he nodded his head.

"I'm gonna go and clean my room up. Want to order pizza?" I asked, wanting to change the subject away from Leo and all the issues we had going on right now.

"Sure, your usual?" Harv questioned and I nodded. Moving away from him, I started making my way to my room, scooping up Loki who was spread out on the floor in the hallway.

I didn't realise how much my clothes smelt of smoke until I entered my bedroom. Loki pried himself away from my grip, leaving behind a couple of loving scratches from his sharp claws as he went.

As he made himself comfortable on my bed, I stripped off my jeans and t-shirt and threw them in the laundry basket so I could wash them later.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't notice how much the smoke and dirt had stained my face until now. Jesus, I looked like shit.

I probably spent about half an hour in the shower, slowly cleaning my body and scrubbing my hair so it didn't smell smokey anymore.

After I towel dried my hair, I started to pat down my body. I wrapped my hair up in a towel and started making my way out the bathro-

"Eliana please listen to me."

I thought my heart was about to explode. I nearly fell over because of how hard I jumped, my towel seconds away from slipping off my body.

"Jesus Christ, Leo!" I gasped, tugging my towel on tighter and whipping the few strands of my wet hair out of my face.

He was lying down on my bed, Loki purring as he lay across his chest and Leo's hand in his fur.

My window was slightly open and I distinctly remember closing it the other day. Great. He broke into my room.

Leo sounded different. Not his usual annoying self.

He was staring absentmindedly at the ceiling, only his hand moving as it stroked Loki.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, walking over to the bed and quickly picking up Loki from his chest and letting him down on the floor.

Leo sighed deeply, his eyes closing for a short moment before opening again and sitting up on my bed.

"I... I just didn't want to be alone right now."

"Well here isn't the best place for you. My brother told me about the drugs. How could you let him go down that path?" I asked incredulously. I wanted answers form this asshole.

Leo's hair was down on this rare occasion which let him run his hands through it roughly.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't think he would get in so deep with it." Leo slowly stood up so he was towering above me like he normally did "I just wanted to make friends. Harvey found out that I dealt and he wanted to try some."

"That's no fucking excuse." I scoffed, rubbing my fingers on my temple as I could feel a migraine coming on.

Leo was watching me intently, as if he was trying to read my every thought and movement.

"I don't know how to say that I'm sorry. And that you'll believe me when I say I never wanted this to happen to Harvey or you."

My mind reeled. I wanted to believe Leo so badly. Wanted him to know that it wasn't his fault and that my brother shouldn't have been so stupid to want to take drugs either but I couldn't.

My body just wanted to push him away "You have to leave us alone Leo. For good. You're not good for me or my brother and I'm sorry it has to be this way, but I'm only thinking of us."

His head went low, his hands fisting at his sides as he took in my words.

"Ok." He sighed, his head coming back up "I get it. But... I can't leave without doing this."

Before I could question what Leo meant, he took a quick step forward.

Leo's hands went to either side of my face and the next thing I knew his lips were in mine, kissing me with such intensity it nearly made me fall over.

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