Chapter 20

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There were five minutes left of the English lesson and I knew Ms Hardman wanted to talk to me. We were wrapping up our notes for the class on Romeo and Juliet which was part of our final exam.

She began handing out the books for everyone, and when she reached the back of the class, she stared directly at me.

"Stay after class please, Miss McCoy." She said it quiet enough for only me to hear and I had to hold back a groan. This woman just wouldn't quit.

I'd managed to avoid her around the school since the fire. I knew she wanted to pick a bone with me about it since it was Leo and I that went back in the building for Hunter.

I couldn't exactly say no to her so I just nodded my head. Ms Hardman made her way back to the front of the room, the bell ringing as she sat down at her desk.

The students all sparked to life, books and papers were carelessly thrown into bags and one by one the room became emptier and emptier until it was just Ms Hardman and I.

I slowly packed my things into my bag, practically dragging my feet towards her.

"So," She leaned back into her chair, her arms folding across her chest "Leo tells me that you got chosen for the performance."

I was stunned. She didn't even start with the fire situation and just jumped straight to Leo's dancing.

"Uh, yea. The original people had to drop out so we were second choice." I answered, my feet shifting slightly because of how uncomfortable I was.

"I also notice that you two have gotten... Closer." Her eyes narrowed slightly which caused me to swallow hard. What the hell did she know?

"Well we've had to since we've been working so hard together." I had no idea where this conversation was going.

Ms Hardman tilted her head to the side a fraction, her features deep in thought "Well, I suggest you keep at it."

My eyebrows raised as she stood up from her desk and moved towards the door, opening it for me.

"Hurry, you'll miss your lunch." She added, watching my every move as I slung my bag over my shoulder and took quick steps to the open door.

Just as I went past, she caught my arm with her hand and caused me to freeze "I also suggest that you don't get any closer to Leo. It won't end well for you."

I kept my head low as her grip released me and I made my escape.

Shit. Way to make my situation even more complicated.

As I made my way to the lunch hall, the familiar noise of my brothers table caught my attention straight away.

Making my way over, I noticed that Leo wasn't there. I guess Harvey was keeping to his word that he wasn't going to associate with Leo anymore.

That only made me feel worse. I couldn't keep my word to Harvey. I couldn't stay away from Leo anymore.

I should tell him. Clear the air on why I would be seen with Leo but I couldn't bring myself to it.

Harvey was only just bringing himself back to normal. Telling him what was going on would only throw him off again.

"Eli! Over here!" My brothers megawatt smile only made me feel worse. I joined their table and chucked my bag on the empty seat next to me. Leo's seat.

Jesus. I needed to get a grip.

Opening my bag, I pulled out the crisps and snacks I had brought in for lunch and absentmindedly starting eating them.

All the chatter and conversations around me made me want to zone out even more. I don't even know why I was still sitting with Harvey's group. I only started sitting here to spy on Leo.

Now that Leo wasn't even here and won't be for a while, I didn't see the point in me still being here.

With that thought in mind, I shoved my things back into my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"Hey, where are you going?" Harvey's question snapped me out of my autopilot mode. A couple of others noticed the comment as well and watched me intently.

"I- I forgot I have Math homework to work on. I'm gonna do it in the library. Less noise." I answered. Harvey's eyebrows narrowed for a split second and he nodded his head.

I waved my hand a little as a form of goodbye and headed towards the library. At least in there it'll be quieter for me to think.

The double doors to the room were a welcoming sign and I felt a little more relaxed than I did before. I pushed them open, only to reveal Leo sitting in the far corner.

His headphones were in his ears and his eyes engrossed in a book.

The door slamming behind me caused a few glares from the students who were in there studying.

Leo's head snapped up and our gaze connected for a split second before I turned back around and headed back to the main corridor.


Before anyone saw which way I was going, I headed to the exit of the main building. There was no way I was going to be able to focus on school right now.

Just as I was about to push the fire exit open, a voice stopped me.

"Miss McCoy. Where do you think you are going?"

I spun around and internally cursed when I saw who it was. Head Teacher Mr. Collins stood about four feet away. His arms were folded and he looked impassive.

"I-I just needed some air." I lied. Of course of all the people to catch me it would be the Head Teacher.

"Well, you know the exit to the field is on the other side of the school. These doors are not to be used unless there's an emergency, hence why they are called 'Fire Exits'." His sarcasm only made me feel more stupid.

My head hung low as I slowly made my way back to the lunch hall. Before Harvey could see me, I made my way to the furthest corner and made myself a small as I could.

Seeing Mr. Collins only made me remember the detention that I had after school. Crap, it had completely slipped my mind. I had never had a detention before.

This was not gonna be fun...

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