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I push the heavy hotel suite door open, peering inside for any sign of Beau. I find him standing before the full length mirror, pulling a crisp black t-shirt over his chiseled chest. "Hey," I say almost shyly as I drop my stuff to the floor, both relieved and disappointed that he's here. If he's here, he isn't out there wreaking havoc, but I really need some time to think, uninterrupted. I enter the room in a daze, my mind reeling over the modeling contract I was just offered. The folded up slip of paper weighs heavy in my jacket pocket.

"Where've you been?" His voice is gruff as he eyes me through the mirror.

"With Fiona," I admit, lowering myself into the bed, feeling exhausted from our meeting, and too tired to lie.

"Alone?" Beau squints, his green eyes glaring at me suspiciously.

"Yeah." I sigh and explain the situation to him, maybe even hoping for some advice. But Beau says nothing; he just turns back to the mirror and runs his hands through his spikey dark hair a few times. "What do you think?" I pester him after a couple of minutes, needing an opinion other than my own. "I have two days to decide,"

"I think," He grabs his phone from atop the dresser. "That you better start deciding then." He offers a tight lipped smirk before heading out of the suite with no mention of where he's going. I stare after him, more confused than before. What's going on with him? I thought we'd gotten past the blatant rudeness the past few weeks, and especially since we've been in LA, but here it is again, rearing it's ugly head. I consider going after him, and I probably should to make sure he stays out of trouble, given his attitude this evening. But right now, it's just not in me to play Beau's baby sitter - let Fiona be angry all she wants. I'll deal with her when the time comes.

I try not to perseverate on Beau's foul mood. For all I know, it wasn't even directed at me, right? The paper in my pocket the only thing I can think about, I take out my phone and text Gemma the news, hoping for a quick reply. A few minutes pass without anything from her, so I decide to call Nadine.

"Emma, Emma, Emma," Nadine picks up on the first ring, her familiar voice sending warmth through me. "How is the high life treating you?"

I tell her about everything - the plane ride here, the crazy way the city is always bustling, all the beautiful celebrities I'm meeting and the nice clothes I'm getting to borrow. I leave out the part about bidding an insane amount for the guitar gift for Beau, not ready to discuss my feelings, if that's what they are, with anyone just yet. Finally, I let out a deep breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "This is all just so crazy,"

I hear the homey sounds of the coffee shop in the background and I'm surprised she answered. I check the leather watch Bobby wrapped around my wrist and realize she's probably just about to close up for the day. "Mhm," she urges me on.

I voice my fears, finally. "I don't know if I can do this,"

"Do what?" I hear Nadine nibble on something through the phone, and smile thinking of her usual pre-lock up croissant. We love the left over treats at the end of a long day.

I explain the meeting I had with Fiona and wait out the silence on the other end of the line once I'm finished. "A modeling contract?" Nadine sounds surprised. "Miss Emma, you're never modeled before,"

I let out a shaky laugh. "They like my 'look' I guess?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know what to do," I groan. "It's a lot of money, Nadine. A lot of money." I hesitate before adding, "I'd be so much closer to having enough for school,"

"Mhm, well." She pauses for a couple seconds. "Well, I trust you - I don't know about that boy, or this Fiona. But you have a good head on your shoulders, you'll make the right decision. Just be careful, Emma - you don't want to end up with all the money to pay for school and not be allowed in," I'm grateful for her words - finally someone with advice I can trust.

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