T W E N T Y - F I V E

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I sip my wine slowly, taking in yet another hotel lobby. No matter where we land, they pretty much all look the same. This one is much like the others, glossy marble floors, high ceilings accentuated by crystal chandeliers, people that greet you at the reception desk with trays of champagne.

Fiona had told everyone we needed to have a meeting once we checked in. Still not speaking to Beau, I reluctantly unpacked my things in our suite, aware that his eyes followed me almost everywhere I went. Curious where he spent the night last night, I bite my tongue, still too angry to start a conversation with him.

Finishing off my glass, I check my watch impatiently. Not speaking made Beau and I more efficient and we'd gotten down to the lobby before everyone else. Twisting his guitar pick between my fingers, I stare straight ahead, doing my best to ignore his persistent gaze.

"You're really not going to talk to me?" He finally asks, picking at his chipped black nail polish.

Going off of no sleep, I'm unable to hide my irritation and snap at him. "You're really not going to apologize to me?"

Beau shifts his weight so that he faces me on the sofa, trying to meet my eyes. "Emma, I already told you, it was nothing. It was just a party - we're on tour, I have a role to play here."

I scoff, thinking of how much trouble this "role" has gotten him into. "You think your job gives you the right to disrespect-" I falter slightly, my sadness creeping up on me. "Your band? Your friends? Your fans?" I recover. Finally, looking up to him, my voice softens, "Me?"

"It's not like that," He shakes his head stubbornly, long hair hanging in front of his eyes.

"I don't know, Beau." I shake my head, too, and let out a deep sigh. "If this is who you have to be on tour, maybe we should just go back to pretending all together."

Beau's mouth pops open in surprise, but before he can respond, we're joined by Zach and Tyler who seem almost as uncomfortable as we are. "Hey Emma," Zach still offers a small smile. "Wonder what this is about?"

His effort at conversation is squashed as Tyler grunts in disgust. "We know what it's about, man. There's only one thing it's ever about anymore," he squints at Beau accusingly, his boyish features hardened with irritation. To be fair, ninety percent of meetings now a days are about Beau messing around, but I don't say anything.

Nostrils flaring, Beau replies as sarcastically as ever. "Poor Tyler has to go to a band meeting every once in awhile, life is just so hard,"

"Whatever Beau, it's your job, not mine." Tyler crosses his arms over his chest as Zach lets out an exasperated huff and leans his head back against the armchair. Too tired to listen to their bickering, the sight of Jace making his way to the table confirms my decision.

"I'll be back when Fiona gets here." I say flatly, making my way to the bar just on the other side of the large marble columns dividing the entry space. After another quick glass of wine, Fiona, Val, and Rocco arrive and I rejoin the group, the guys all sitting side by side and glaring into their laps silently like a group of students waiting outside of the principal's office.

"Now that everyone is here," Fiona eyes me pointedly before returning her gaze to the rest of the group.

I cut her off before she can continue, in no mood for her usual attitude today. "I was here before."

"Excuse me?" Her piercing blue eyes meet mine through her glasses but I don't back down, well aware that my behavior is not professional.

"I've been waiting at the bar for everyone else to get here." I shrug, knowing it's not worth arguing over but unable to help myself.

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