We Were Dancing All Night

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"What am I doing here, Care?" Bonnie asked. She sat next to her best friend on a couch in a saloon of a house she never wanted to set a foot into ever again."You know why you're here, Bon. You're the only person I told about Nik and me." Caroline replied as she shifted uncomfortably. She clasped her hands, inspecting them before she unclasped them, looking at her fingers which trembled slightly. She seemed to be on her way to a nervous breakdown."Calm down Care." Bonnie mumbled, taking one of Care's hands into hers. She squeezed it reassuringly, stroking her thumb over the back of it to calm her friend down."I'm nervous." Caroline stated the obvious, giving Bonnie something between a frown and a nervous smile."You really want me to like them, don't you?" Bonnie asked, tilting her head slightly."I care about them. They're basically family." Caroline said, smiling fondly as she talked about the Mikaelsons. "I love Nik, you know." she added lowly, shrugging slightly.Bonnie smiled fondly at Caroline. They've always been pretty close, knew each other since kindergarten and Bonnie knew that she could trust Caroline and Elena with her life. This faith has been tested on more than one occasion by now and the three girls could always rely on the others having their back.And now Caroline fell in love with Niklaus Mikaelson of all people. He used to be their worst enemy, but by now the Mikaelsons were more of an annoying nuisance acting as the bane of the Mystic Falls gang's existence rather than a real threat. Bonnie noticed the looks Care and Klaus exchanged, noticed the lingering stares, the stolen smiles and longing glances. And the way Klaus looked at her best friend screamed that he reciprocated her feelings."Dinner's ready. You coming?" Rebekah asked as she entered the room, leaning against the door frame, waiting for them to get up to follow her."On our way." Caroline replied as she rose from the couch. Bonnie did the same and the three of them walked in silence towards the dining room."Ms. Bennett, Caroline. Come in and sit with us." Elijah greeted them when they entered the dimly lit room. There was a fireplace on the other side of the table and candles flickered in their stand on the beautifully set table. Dimmed wall lamps were the only other light source in the room."Please, call me Bonnie." Bonnie smiled as she sat down next to Caroline who sat on Klaus' right side. Klaus occupied the head of the table and Rebekah sat to his left. Elijah sat next to Bonnie and opposite Klaus which only left one empty seat opposite from Bonnie."Where's Kol?" Rebekah asked, answering Bonnie's question for whom the place was set. But she didn't know who Kol was, not certainly at least. He could be the guy Klaus threatened her with, the guy who befriended Jeremy so Klaus could use him for blackmail. But Bonnie couldn't remember whether his name was Kol or not, that horrible night was kind of a blur for her."Who's Kol?"she asked when she concluded that she wouldn't remember."Kol is-" Caroline started to explain when a young man entered the room.He was obviously a Mikaelson, judging by the annoying smirk on his face that Bonnie instantly wanted to wipe off and the over confident strut. He resembled Elijah in hair and eye color and seemed to resemble Klaus in his cockiness and smug behaviour. And that's what Bonnie got from the few seconds it took him to take the seat opposite her."Just the sexiest man alive." Kol finished Caroline's explanation, winking at Care when she gave an exasperated sigh. His voice was smooth and deep, had kind of a rough edge to it. Bonnie instantly liked it."You wish you were." Rebekah huffed, giving Kol a slightly annoyed look from the corner of her eye. "He's an idiot." she added in answer to Bonnie, who currently eyed the idiot in question.When he caught her gaze he rose one eyebrow, giving her a devilish smirk."And who's the beauty sitting next to you, love?" he asked Caroline. But he didn't look at her, he kept Bonnie's gaze locked, not daring to break the eye contact which currently sent shivers down her spine (not that he knew about that)."She's my best friend around whom you are not allowed to misbehave." Caroline replied sharply, causing Kol to look at her and release Bonnie's gaze. She instantly fixed another point in the room, shifting slightly in her seat. What the hell was that?"And I'm obeying you because ...?" Kol retorted, his smile falling."Because I won't hesitate to tear out you liver if you don't." Klaus said with finality, ending the conversation. Kol snorted but kept quiet, searching for Bonnie's look who suddenly took an interest in the plates. Rebekah looked annoyed, Elijah still wore his usual unpenatrable emotionless mask and Klaus seemed to be silently fuming, only calming down because Caroline squeezed his hand reassuringly. When Kol caught Bonnie's gaze again, just for a few seconds, she felt like fireworks erupted in her belly and was lost as to why he had such an effect on her.During the starter they started light conversation, casual chit chat about harmless stuff like High School, College, the weather, life, music, movies, the 21st century in general. By the time they started the main course everyone seemed to be relaxed and even Bonnie noticed that she rather enjoyed herself. Dinner with the Mikaelsons was nothing like she expected it to be, it was rather peaceful. Yes, the siblings bantered and teased each other, but that was to be expected (they were siblings after all)."So Bonnie." Kol said when they started dessert. He abandoned his Mousse au chocolat in favor of looking at Bonnie who felt rather uncomfortable at being watched while she was eating."Kol." she replied when he didn't continue. She rose her gaze from her dessert when he remained silent for a few more moments and she noticed that his eyes kind of looked like chocolate."You're a witch." he asked, even though it sounded more like a statement than anything else."I am." she confirmed warily, a threatening undertone in her voice."Good, that's good." he mumbled, a satisfied grin spreading across his face, "You know, I like a woman who's able to defend herself."Bonnie simply rose her eyebrow at him, keeping her cool was surprisingly easy with bad pick up lines like that. She was intrigued by him, but that was just bad."I'm not interested." she lied convincingly enough for her conscience to stop nagging. 'Kol is a vampire, and an Original. He's a murderer, a reckless stupid child with a never ending tantrum who kills people for entertainment.' her conscience screamed at the stupid prickling in her stomach."Oh c'mon. Every woman is interested in seeing me without clothes on." Kol replied cockily. Rebekah made a gagging noise and Caroline snorted."Well, not every woman wants to see you naked ... but I actually do." Bonnie said calmly, a sweet smile on her lips. That even got a reaction out of Elijah who rose a surprised eyebrow at the statement. Caroline almost choked on her sip of champagne and Rebekah just stared blankly at her while Klaus' eyes were ridiculously wide. "You know, just to see whether you're putting up this whole macho act because you have a small dick or because you're a brat." she explained dryly.The stunned silence lasted for a few more moments until Klaus broke it by laughing. Loudly. That broke the spell and Rebekah and Caroline joined in. Elijah chuckled lowly and Kol, Kol stared at her, mouth slightly agape, one eyebrow raised. He composed himself after a few moments, putting up another one of those infuriating Mikaelson smirks."Feisty, I like it." he said lowly, his gaze fixed on hers.She shrugged and ate another spoonful of her mousse, not breaking their eye contact.After a rather nice dinner Caroline lead the party into one of the many sitting rooms on the ground floor of the mansion. Elijah excused himself and Rebekah ditched them for a date with Stefan, so only Klaus, Caroline, Kol and Bonnie were left.Bonnie deliberately chose to sit on one of the armchairs to avoid third wheeling next to Klaus and Care and to avoid Kol sitting directly next to her. He still sat down on an armchair close to hers while Klaus and Caroline took the couch. Caroline slipped out of her shoes and spread over the couch, sighing happily as she cuddled up with her boyfriend who didn't object to the display of affection."Tell me something about yourself, love." Kol said, clearly addressing Bonnie who wasn't sure what to reply."Like?" she inquired when he didn't elaborate."What's your favorite music genre?" he asked.Bonnie mulled it over before she answered, "I always loved Hip Hop. Rap, R'n'B and Jazz are nice too. And Pop, I guess." she unconsciously counted with her fingers as she answered, smiling slightly when her gaze returned to his'. "What about you?" Bonnie asked, not only because it was polite but because she was actually kind of curious."I prefer Rock, Hard Core, Metal. Lot's of guitar, bass and screaming. Better to party and dance to anyway, if you ask me." he replied, smirking at her look of incredulity."Excuse you, Hip Hop is perfect to dance to." she said pointedly, going into total defense mode."Nah, Rock's better." Kol drawled, leaning back in his chair, shit eating grin firmly in place.Bonnie huffed, wanting to wipe that stupid grin off his face – pronto. She turned towards Caroline who had watched their little discussion with a knowing smirk on her face, irritating Bonnie even more."Does this stereo work with Bluetooth?" Bonnie asked, motioning towards the stereo system standing upon the mantelpiece of the room's chimney."Nik?" Caroline passed on the question, nudging his stomach to get his attention."It does. Just turn it on and set it on 'wireless'." he replied to Bonnie's surprise. He seemed to be so immersed in his texting that Bonnie had assumed he didn't even listen to them, but apparently she was wrong. Caroline sighed and got up from the couch to walk towards the stereo, Bonnie following her, turning her phone's Bluetooth on.They turned on the stereo and connected it with Bonnie phone. Bonnie went through her music library, Caroline looking over her shoulder to see what song her friend would chose. A wide smile spread on her face when Bonnie pressed play and set the song on repeat, putting her phone next to the stereo's remote control.Caroline and Bonnie started dancing and singing along to 50 Cent's Ayo Technology, swinging their hips and dancing with each other. When the song started over Caroline walked towards Klaus. She took his phone away, put it in the backpocket of her jeans and took his hands, dragging him up to dance with her."Really, love?" he asked, an adoring smirk on his features."Mhmm." Caroline hummed, her hands intertwined at the back of his neck. Klaus leaned in and softly pecked her brow, her nose and finally her lips. Bonnie quickly averted her gaze, feeling like she was intruding on the couple's moment.Bonnie continued dancing on her own, contemplating how the evening's been so far. She actually took a liking to the Mikaelsons if she was being honest with herself. It was hard to hate them when you've seen their human side. They were nice, funny, polite – just a big family with a lot of really fucked up issues.She continued to sway her hips, a small smile gracing her features, when she felt him coming up behind her, his finders splayed on her sides, his thumbs stroking her, rubbing circles through the thin material of her shirt into her skin."Dance with me, darling?" Kol asked huskily, his hot breath hitting her ear, causing a shiver to run down her spine. He pressed his body against her backside, his hands resting across her stomach, embracing her fully as he buried his nose in Bonnie's velvet hair, taking in her flowery, earthy scent."Hmmm." she hummed in agreement, tilting her head back to rest it on his shoulder, her eyes closed as she lost herself in the beat of one of her favorite songs, her hands covering his'. She tilted her head to the side, opening her eyes and meeting his hot gaze. Bonnie raised one of her hands, about to trace the outline of his cheekbones when the song ended(once again) and the few seconds of silence brought her back to her senses. What the hell was she doing? Why was she in a tight embrace with a Mikaelson? And not just any Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson who used to befriend Jeremy, her ex boyfriend (her life was fucked up). And he was an Original, this was unacceptable!Bonnie lowered her hand, loosening his grip around her waist, giving her enough freedom to step away from him. She took a shaky breath as hundreds of thoughts, warnings and alarm bells flooded her mind, leaving her in a slight state of panic."I have to go." she mumbled, walking towards the exit of the sitting room.She took the left turn and found herself in the entrance hall after a few quick turns. She was glad that she left her coat and bag in her car which she parked just after the turn of the U-turn. Bonnie left the mansion and stood outside of the front door for a few moments, taking deep breath of the night air, trying to clear her mind. She probably scared the shit out of Caroline and should say goodbye to her. But Bonnie couldn't find it in herself to turn around and step foot back into the mansion. Just as she was about to descend the grand marble staircase she heard the door opening and Caroline and Klaus came out of it, Caroline looking horribly worried and Klaus seemed to be slightly confused."Are you alright, Bon?" Caroline asked, stroking her friend's arm which was covered in goosebumps because of the cool night air."Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed some fresh air and realized that I was really tired and kind of dizzy." Bonnie replied in a mumble, smiling reassuringly at Caroline, trying to act as though she really was tired when she felt like bursting."Shall we drive you? I could drive you and Nik could bring your car, you know." Caroline offered, a soft smile on her lips."Nah, I'm fine. You two have a good night." Bonnie replied, smiling at them as she retreated, descending the stairs slowly at first, faster the closer she came to the ground."Night, Bon!" Caroline said loud enough for Bonnie to easily understand her."Goodnight." Klaus added, after Caroline elbowed him.Bonnie smiled at them, but the smile fell as soon as she slipped into her car. She put on her coat for warmth until the heating was up and started the car after retrieving the keys out of her bag. As she left the Mikaelson mansion behind, the lights growing fainter and fainter the further she drove away, her mind wouldn't stop echoing the question she's asked herself several times throughout the evening: Why the hell Kol Mikaelson of all people?

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