i will love you till the end of time

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WARNING: The relationship depicted between Kol and Bonnie is in no way healthy. I do not try to romanticise the fuck-uped'ness of both characters and their relationship to each other. They are incredibly co-dependent and have a lot of other issues, as you'll probably notice. It also gets pretty dark as some point, so be warned. If you don't like that kid of stuff, don't read.

Happy Reading!


After breakfast Elena and Caroline left Bonnie to pack her stuff. They promised to be back soon, they just wanted to change into their own clothes. Bonnie was the smallest of them, so her clothes were a bit too short for the other girls.

Kol helped her to do the dishes and asked her if he should leave or stay afterwards."Stay." Bonnie instantly replied, surprising both of them. She walked upstairs, Kol following her. He sat down on her bed while Bonnie threw her clothes onto the bed, making three piles of them around him. She got two suitcases for everything she wanted to take with her and stuffed her clothes into them. While doing so, she continued to hum 'Radio', just like she did a few hours ago.After she finally finished packing, she sat down on one of the suitcases opposite from Kol, looking at him. He returned her gaze, just staring at her, losing himself in her beautiful green eyes. Bonnie felt like she was drowning in a sea of chocolate as they continued to stare at each other, none of them daring to do anything to destroy the moment. But when they heard honking in front of Bonnie's house, they were forced to stop staring at each other.Bonnie looked out of one of the windows in the first floor and waved at the person waiting outside. "It's Caroline and Klaus." Bonnie explained, attempting to take her luggage. But Kol grabbed the suitcases just before she could and started to carry them downstairs. Bonnie looked at him as he descended the stairs, shaking her head in amusement.She followed him, locking the front door before she joined the three of them in the car. She sat in the backseat, Kol and her were only separated by the seat in the middle. Klaus sat in the driver's seat while Caroline sat in the passenger seat, constantly changing the radio station."Thank you for letting me stay at yours." Bonnie addressed Klaus.Klaus shrugged, smiling at her through the rearview mirror. "It's fine. But we should figure out why the fire incident happened in the first place." he answered, looking serious.Bonnie sighed and nodded as Klaus started the engine, driving towards the mansion."Good thing that I know one or two things about witches." Kol said, looking out of the window. Bonnie tilted her head, looking at him."How come?" she asked, causing him to turn towards her. They locked gazes as he answered."I used to hang out with a lot of people of your kind. I actually hold witches in high esteem. I spent centuries around witches and warlocks, so I learned a few things." he explained, smiling at her. Bonnie's face light up and she returned his smile. "That might be helpful. I don't have a clue what's going on with me." she sighed, leaning against the back of her seat."I'll help you." Kol reassured her and took her hand. He squeezed it lightly, letting it go afterwards. "Thank you." Bonnie said lowly, giving him a genuine smile.Bonnie and Caroline spent the rest of the day making Bonnie feel at home in the guest room she would be sleeping in. The decided that it would be the best if she stayed in Kol's part of the mansion, just to avoid run-ins with half naked couples. They thought about bringing her stuff into Elijah's wing, but Caroline told Bonnie about Katherine's occasional visits and that left Kol's wing. Bonnie's guest room was directly next to Kol's, they even shared a balcony.When the time for dinner came, Bonnie and Caroline walked downstairs and ordered pizza. They sat in the living room, Caroline sipping at a cup of tea mixed with blood and Bonnie drinking a cup of normal tea with two teaspoons sugar."So ... do you like Kol?" Caroline asked, catching Bonnie off guard.Bonnie drank a sip of her tea before she answered. "Does it matter?" she retorted, avoiding the Care's gaze."Of course it does. Kol likes you, I'd even dare to say he's crazy about you. He spent weeks in front of your house, waiting for you to trust him enough to invite him. He cooked for you. And don't even get me started about the way he's looking at you. The way he's acting around you. The way he's touching you. You have him wrapped around your pinky finger." Caroline said, smiling at her blushing friend."So? Do you?" Caroline repeated her question, raising her eyebrows."I won't talk about it till we're alone in my room or yours and Klaus' room or any other room which is clouded with spelled Sage." Bonnie mumbled, smiling at her friend.Caroline rolled her eyes at her, A few moments later Kol and Klaus and Rebekah joined them. Rebekah turned on some music and they talked and laughed. As the pizza arrived, Elijah came home and payed, bringing the food into the living room where his siblings and the girls had gathered. He joined them, and they ate pizza and talked and drank just a little bit too much wine and had fun.At 1 am Bonnie called it a night and wished everyone sweet dreams. They returned the sentiment before she walked out of the room and up into her guest room. She felt a bit dizzy, two bottles weren't a good idea. She ascended the stairs as she tripped over her own feet. She prepared herself to hit the ground but never fell."I got you." Kol whispered, causing her to open her eyes. As she turned she stared directly into his eyes and their gazes locked."Thank you." Bonnie mumbled, still a little breathless."Never mind." he replied, taking a step back to leave her her room. She smiled at him before she turned back around to walk into her room. Kol followed her. None of them uttered a single word, not really knowing what they should say."So ... good night." Bonnie said as they arrived in front of her door."Good night." Kol replied, tucking a strand of her slightly waved hair behind her ear.Bonnie averted her gaze, opening the door behind her. She smiled at him as she walked backwards into the room and closed it. She sighed heavily, lighting the Sage candles.She went into the bathroom, which belonged to her room, and lightened the candles there before she took off her clothes and stepped into the shower, clouding the room with steam, while she let the hot water pour down her body. She relaxed as used her favorite shampoo and body wash. When she finished her shower she dried herself with one of the big fluffy towels and slipped into her red morning robe. Bonnie went back into her room and but on a pair of cute cream colored panties before she slipped into her white tank and a pair of cream colored shiny boxer briefs.She blow dried her hair and combed it. Bonnie sat on the king size bed and stared into nothing, her mind completely blank as she saw something out of the corner of her eye. There was movement on the balcony. She was about to panic when she remembered that her and Kol shared a balcony. Bonnie just watched his shadow and thought about joining him, but wasn't sure what to say or do if she did so. But she was relieved of making a decision as the door which lead to the balcony swept open without being touched. Well, seemed like expression stroke again and acted on her subconscious from now on.She sighed and got up. Bonnie walked towards the balcony, closing the glass door behind her. As she turned towards Kol, he leaned against the railing, looking up at the stars. He didn't acknowledge her arrival nor did he do anything else."Do you mind?" Bonnie asked, suddenly really insecure about herself and the situation all in all. Kol instantly turned towards her and his eyes widened barely noticeable at the sight of her."No, stay. I'm just thinking." he answered, turning back towards his former position.Bonnie took a step towards him and leaned against the balustrade with her lower back, her hands resting on top of it as she tilted her head back and looked up into the night sky. The stars were shining brightly, looking like little white light bulbs. The cool night air cleared her dizzy mind and seemed to sober her up a little, which Bonnie was thankful for. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, expecting to smell the trees and the grass and the wood and nature. But against her expectations Kol's scent filled her nostrils and clouded her mind. His scent was masculine but sweet. He smelled like old wood. A hint of lemon and burnt sugar were in the mix. It was overwhelming. Bonnie snapped her eyes back open and exhaled shakily, drawing Kol's attention towards her."You alright?", he asked, looking at her, worry clouding his look. Bonnie nodded and breathed through her mouth. His scent wasn't as intense if she just breathed through her mouth."I'm okay." she whispered breathlessly.When Kol was convinced that she truly was fine, he took his former position.Bonnie imitated him, looking up into the sky. "What are you thinking about?" she asked, not daring to look at him.He shifted slightly before he answered. "I'm pretty sure that you don't want to know." he answered, sounding closer than before.Bonnie closed her eyes and kept them shut as she replied. "I do."She heard him chuckling, which caused her to smile absently. "Well, I thought about you." he stated, turning his head towards her. Bonnie snapped her eyes open and looked at him, mildly surprised by his answer."About me?", she asked, tilting her head."You're all I think about lately. You are strong, sexy, stubborn, funny, cute, lovely and simply amazing, so how could I not?" he said, turning fully towards her.Bonnie resembled his motion, standing right in front of him. She looked up into his eyes, a small smile adorning her features. "I am?" she asked, smirking slightly.Kol smiled down at her and leaned his forehead against hers, pulling her into a loose hug. "Yes you are." he replied, his nose touching hers."I'm madly in love with you, Bonnie Bennett." Kol whispered lowly. His brown eyes met her very green ones and Bonnie smiled at him as her hands came to rest on his chest. She wasn't sure what to reply. Her throat was dry as she stood on her tip toes, leaning in. Her eyes fluttered shut as her lips met his', melting into a sweet kiss.Kol pulled her closer, reciprocating the kiss. When Bonnie sighed against his lips, tilting her head as she parted her lips the tone of the became more urgent when she pressed herself up against him, wanting to feel his body against hers. His hands stroked down her sides, traced the line of her spine through the thin shirt she wore. Kol pressed her up against the wall between their rooms and deepened the kiss. His tongue entangled with hers, softly stroking hers as they battled for dominance. Bonnie pulled him closer as she grabbed onto his hair, softly tugging at the strands at the nape of his neck. When Kol retreated, ending their kiss, they were both gasping and staring at each other."I really fucking love you, Bennett." he mumbled, planting a sweet and soft kiss upon Bonnie's lips. Without thinking about it Bonnie broke their kiss and grabbed his hand. "And I love you." she blurted out, surprised that those words actually left her lips. She wasn't even able to think them and now she told him? What the hell is wrong with me?, she thought, pulling him in for another kiss."Don't make me regret this." Bonnie mumbled against his lips when they parted momentarily."Never." he replied, kissing her softly.

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