Love is mean, and love hurts

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Two weeks passed and Bonnie barely saw her friends.She tried to avoid them, because every time they accidentally met, they used the opportunity to either tease her or interrogate her about her crushing on Kol. Of course she tried to avoid Kol as well, but that was an even harder task to manage than avoiding her friends. Not because he followed her around, no, that would be boring, wouldn't it? He simply camped outside of her house. This task was so much simpler to fulfill. And it drove Bonnie mad.Kol didn't really think about the consequences as he told Bonnie that he would stay outside of her house 24/7 if she would continue to ignore him, and he certainly hadn't expected for her to be stubborn enough to ignore him. But as days passed without her even looking at him, he became impatient. She had to acknowledge him eventually, didn't she? So he waited for her to give in and asked himself why the hell he even threatened her to stay there.Three days later Bonnie couldn't ignore the presence of Kol just outside her kitchen window anymore. She was busy preparing herself a tea when she noticed him, lurking outside. She tried to block him out, but her mind wouldn't stop to ask her why he was still there. So she gave in, surprising both of them, and opened the window to talk to him."Why are you still here, Kol? Get a hint." she asked annoyed. But her words didn't have the effect she expected. They caused the opposite."You stopped ignoring me!" he stated the obvious, beaming at her. Bonnie eyed him up, noticing the change in his outfit. Looked like he took care of himself whenever she was asleep or out."And I already regret it." Bonnie sighed. She scooped two teaspoons of sugar into her mug before she stirred the hot liquid."Don't you want to invite me in?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at her. "We could continue our little chat." Kol added as innocently as he could muster.Bonnie just rolled her eyes at the incessant Original. "The only vampires I ever invited in are Elena, Caroline and Stefan." she replied, attempting to close the window."I could be the first Original!" he added, hoping she would change her mind."Sorry, but I'd rather invite Klaus." she replied, ending their conversation effectively by closing the window. She took her mug and made her way towards the living room. Being there, she made herself comfortable on the soft couch and switched the TV on. As she looked behind her, she saw Kol leaning against the frame of the door which lead outside. The closed glass door reflecting the TV. She realized that he watched everything she did the last few days. So she choose to go on Netflix and continue to watch Doctor Who. As she was about to choose the episode she left off, she turned towards him, raising a questioning eyebrow. He caught her gaze, smiling at her as he nodded in agreement. Bonnie pressed play and the episode started.A few days later, Bonnie invited Elena and Caroline over to spend some girls time. They weren't even surprised that Kol greeted them as he laid on Bonnie's front yard, staring up into the sky. They just returned his greeting and entered the house."Can we even talk without Kol hearing us in here?" Elena asked, raising her eyebrows. She got used to the Originals during the last weeks. She spent a lot of time with Rebekah, Caroline and Klaus, and she even was over for dinner twice. Getting to know the Originals better every time. The only one she rarely ever saw was Kol. He always said his hellos and goodbyes when he flashed in and out of the mansion, but he never stayed. And now she finally got where he spent all his time. He was busy watching over her friend, trying to woo her while she was too stubborn to give him a chance. Classic Bonnie."I spelled my bedroom with sage. Stole Klaus' idea and set up spelled candles." Bonnie replied, leading them into the kitchen to get some snacks."Could you do the same for Damon's room? It's kind of awkward to even kiss Damon when Stefan's in the same room." Elena admitted, taking the bottle of champagne and the can of Pringles Bonnie gave her to carry upstairs."Yeah, it's a simple spell." Bonnie replied, giving Caroline a baking dish filled with tiramisu and three spoons."How is Stefan? Haven't seen him in a while." Bonnie asked as she searched the fridge for the bowl of vanilla ice cream she had left from yesterday."He's getting better." Caroline said, eating a spoonful of tiramisu."Mmh, that's delicious, Bon., she moaned as she chewed the biscuit."Thanks." Bonnie said, smiling as she finally found what she was looking for."He's hooking up with Rebekah. She's over pretty often lately." Elena added, trying a spoon of the tiramisu. She nodded in approval, causing Bonnie to giggle at the face she made.The girls went upstairs, closing the door of Bonnie's room as Bonnie lit the candles scattered in the whole room. The three of them made themselves comfortable on her queen size bed and started eating while they took sips of champagne straight from the bottle."And how did Damon react at the news?" Bonnie asked the two of them, taking a sip of the alcohol. "He insisted on coming to the next dinner with me, and it went surprisingly smooth. Klaus wasn't exactly happy, considering the past nature of his relationship to Care, but he came around." Elena said, shrugging lightly.Caroline smiled. "He actually told me that he wanted to tear Damon's liver out so badly, but he knew that it would be rude and that you'd totally hate him if he did so. And you were just getting used to the idea of us so he reconsidered." she said, smirking at Elena's horrified expression."I'm glad he reconsidered." she mumbled, her mouth filled with vanilla ice cream.The girls spent the night talking, and as they decided to call it a night, Bonnie took the dirty dishes and the trash down into the kitchen. Elena and Bonnie were changing into their pajamas as Bonnie was downstairs, stuffing everything away. She flinched as she heard a knock on the kitchen window. She looked up and found Kol, smiling sweetly at her. She rolled her eyes and considered ignoring him, but she was tipsy and asked herself why not. So she opened the window and leaned towards it, looking expectantly at him."Just wanted to wish you a good night." he said, smirking at her.Bonnie was surprised, but not negatively. "Well thank you. Good night as well." she replied, smiling at him. She closed the window and went back upstairs where she found Caroline and Elena who already laid in her bed. Bonnie changed quickly and joined them, squeezing herself in the middle between them."This was so much more comfortable when we were twelve." Elena groaned, turning so she would be more comfortable."Bonnie you got fat." Caroline added, earning a giggle from Elena."This isn't about me being fat, this is about your ego needing way more space than your body can offer." Bonnie replied, smirking to herself as Elena started laughing."Oh, I love you too, Bennett." Caroline said sarcastically."The feeling's mutual, Forbes." Bonnie retorted before they fell silent. They were fast asleep.Later that night an incessant noise invaded Bonnie's dream. She thought it was in her dream, but as it wouldn't go away, she realized that it wasn't in her dream, but in the real world. She stirred, opening her eyes slowly. As she did so, she was blinded by red and orange and it was hot. She searched for the noise, and realized that Kol stood on her little balcony and knocked on the window like a mad man. She furrowed her brow as she took in the scent. It burnt. Her room was aflame! Bonnie's eyes widened as she rose her arms cut them through the air, causing the fire to be out in a matter of seconds. She gasped for air, still being in shock about what happened. She set her room on fire while she was asleep. She almost killed her friends and herself. If it weren't for Kol. She looked at her friends who miraculously were still asleep, and climbed over Elena and out of the bed. She stumbled towards her balcony, opening the door.Bonnie stepped outside and silently closed the door behind her before she turned towards Kol, looking up at him."Are you alright?" he asked, concern evident in his every feature. Bonnie nodded, her mouth slightly agape."Thank you." she said eventually."I tried to get into your dream to tell you to wake up, but it wouldn't work because of the Sage." he said, his look so full of emotions it was overwhelming. As he scanned her for injuries, he realized that she still wore her pajama pants and a tank top, and it wasn't exactly warm outside."You must be freezing." he murmured, slipping out of his jacket. He draped it over her shoulders. Bonnie realized just then that she was in fact freezing."Thanks." she murmured, smiling up at him. She took a deep breath to calm herself down, the adrenalin still running through her veins."You're very welcome, sweetheart." Kol replied, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear, smiling lovingly at her. "I was so scared that you wouldn't hear me. I already was about to call the fire department, but knew they wouldn't make it in time. I thought that you'd be dead and it would be my fault." he mumbled, looking her right into her eyes.Bonnie leaned into his touch, closing her eyes for a moment. "I would be dead if it weren't for you. And it wouldn't be your fault." she replied, smiling up at him."Seems like I should invite you in after all." she sighed after a few more minutes of silence, looking up at him. Kol seemed to be surprised by her conclusion. He never really expected her to invite him."You'll invite me?" he asked, hope swimming in his brown eyes.Bonnie smiled. "If you promise that you won't abuse the privilege." she replied."I wouldn't dare." he said, looking far more serious than he did just a few seconds ago."Well then," Bonnie said, opening the door and getting inside her room."You may come in, Kol Mikaelson." she said, stepping aside. Kol stepped in and smiled at her as he realized that he truly was able to set a foot into her house."I'll leave you for sleep, then." he said, beaming at her."Good night, Kol." she said, leaning against the glass window."Good night, Bonnie." he replied, planting a soft lingering kiss upon the back of her hand before he jumped off the balcony. Bonnie closed the door and climbed back into bed, still feeling the tingling sensation of Kol's lips on her skin.The next morning, Bonnie was woken up by a loud squeal."Ouch! Why is it always me falling off the bed?" Elena asked groggily, rubbing her head. It didn't hurt, not really, but it wasn't pleasant either."What the hell happened to the room?" Caroline squealed, staring at their surroundings. Bonnie shuffled underneath the blankets, not really wanting to wake up yet. She just had a wonderful dream in which Kol saved her from a fire and kissed her hand. It almost felt real."It looks like someone set this room on fire." Elena stated, getting up.Well, maybe it wasn't just a dream after all. Bonnie instantly sat up and scanned their surroundings. "Oh my god, it wasn't a dream." she said, eying up her more or less destroyed room. At least the damage seemed to be only around her bed. Thank god she didn't have anything like her desk or her wardrobe near her bed, but on the opposite of the room."What wasn't a dream?" Caroline asked, turning towards Bonnie who seemed to be shocked by the situation they were currently in."I invited Kol in. Am I mad?" she mumbled, causing Caroline and Elena to stare at her, dumbfounded."What happened, Bonnie?!" Elena demanded to know.Bonnie took a deep breath, trying to grasp all the information she had, everything she could remember."I woke up by the noise of someone knocking on the window. And as I woke up, the room was aflame. I realized that it was me who set it on fire in the first place and stopped the magic the moment I got what happened. Then I stood up and walked towards the balcony, on which Kol stood. He was concerned and asked me if I was alright and that he thought that I'd be killed because he couldn't get into my dreams hence to my protection spell and the sage still clouding the room.We had a little chat, I invited him in, he kissed the back of my hand, we said good night and he left. I went back to sleep afterwards." Bonnie summarized the happenings of the night, getting out of the bed, to see how bad it really was."I guess we'll have to renovate your room." Elena said, recognizing what Bonnie was doing. The girl nodded, scratching the back of her head. "I can't really stay here as long as we renovate, can I?" she asked, looking at the girls."Unless you want to sleep on the couch?" Caroline asked, shrugging lightly.Bonnie sighed. "Well, let's shower and see what I can lend the two of you.", Bonnie said, flashing them an apologetic look. Their bags had been burned by the fire."It seems like we have no other choice." Elena said, smiling at her friend.Caroline nodded in agreement. "Elena and I shower in lighting speed and you search us clothes. Afterwards we'll prepare breakfast for you and you have a long relaxing shower." Care ordered, smiling happily at her plan."And while you eat we'll search for a solution to the problem of you setting things on fire while being asleep." Elena added."Well then, take a shower." Care said and Elena whooshed off.After five minutes Bonnie was in the bathroom, her friends already downstairs. She took her time, relaxing under the hot water which steamed the whole bathroom. She hummed lightly, cleaning every inch of her body. She used her favorite shampoo and her favorite body wash, enjoying the sweet scent of apples and cinnamon clouding her mind. After 20 minutes under the shower, Bonnie got out of it and dried herself off. She slipped into her favorite underwear before she proceeded to dress in a pair of jeans and a tank top along with an old and washed out hoodie. Bonnie opened the door of the bathroom, the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes welcoming her.She descended the stairs, ruffling through her half dried hair on her way down. She continued to hum Lana Del Rey's 'Radio' while she did so."You know that this smells awesome." Bonnie said loud enough for her friends to hear her. "And I thought I was the only one of the three of us able to cook without poisoning someone in the process." she added as she rounded the corner to walk into the kitchen.She stopped dead in her tracks as she took in the picture which presented itself. It was ridiculous. There were Caroline and Elena, both with a cup of coffee, probably laced with warmed up blood, in their hands. They sat on one side of the kitchen island.Meanwhile her stove was occupied by a certain Original who was busy frying stuff in three pans at the same time."You still are the only one of the three of us who's able to cook without killing." Elena said, smiling at her."Good morning, sweetheart." Kol said, flashing her a smile over his shoulder before he turned back towards the pans."Hello?" Bonnie greeted him, making her way towards her friends who had plates and silverware lying in front of them. There was a third set ready to be used, right next to Caroline who chose the seat in the middle. Bonnie took the place and watched Kol's back while he was busy doing things with the food.She was kind of fascinated by him. Not only could he cook (and she really hadn't expected that), but he looked kind of hot doing so. The way his muscles flexed under the shirt he wore. He was muscular in a really good way. It was amazing."You know that it's rude to stare, darling, don't you?" Kol asked, the smirk audible in his tone of voice, drawing Elena's and Caroline's attention to their blushing friend who instantly averted her gaze."You know that it's rude to walk in and out of the houses of strangers like you own them, don't you?" she retorted, looking at the back of his head."Well, I make your breakfast, I wouldn't judge the cook too harshly, sweetheart. He might spit into your food." he replied, shooting her a wink."I wouldn't threaten a witch, she might just give you an aneurism." Bonnie retorted, smirking into her cup of coffee."Touché." Kol surrendered as he turned around and put eggs onto the girls' plates as well as bacon and pancakes."How do you even know where everything is?" Elena asked as he put marple sirup along with jam and Nutella on the table."I stood outside of this window and watched Bonnie stuffing the groceries away for weeks. I wasn't exactly busy out there." he replied, sitting down across from them, "Well, bon appetit!"The girls carefully tried the food, but as soon as they realized that it was delicious, they ate at a normal speed, talking in between bites."So, we have to renovate your room." Caroline said, motioning towards Bonnie who nodded in agreement. "What color do you want?" she asked, catching her off guard.Bonnie gave Caroline a long look, not able to process the question. "Excuse me?" she asked, blinking rapidly."We'll have to paint the wall. What color would you like?" Caroline repeated herself, rolling her eyes."I guess white, like before." Bonnie finally answered, turning back towards her food."You're kidding me, aren't you?" Elena said, staring at her friend.Bonnie sighed heavily, chewing the food in her mouth. She gulped it down and turned back towards her friends. "Use your decorating abilities and choose a color for me, Care." Bonnie said, rolling her eyes as she turned back towards her plate filled with food.Caroline shrugged, being fine with the deal. "Where are you going to sleep?" Kol asked, looking at her. Bonnie looked back into his eyes, mesmerized by them."I don't know." she mumbled, tearing her gaze away from his'."You could always stay in the Boarding house." Elena suggested, smiling at her friend.Bonnie shook her head. "Bad idea. I'm not exactly keen to run into Jer." she explained, giving her friend a lopsided smile.Elena returned it, nodding. She totally understood with Stefan always being around. It became better ever since Rebekah started hanging around there too, but it was still awkward."You could stay at the mansion." Caroline suggested, tilting her head. Bonnie almost choked on her food. The mansion. It wasn't a bad idea, but Kol lived there. And she couldn't even look into his eyes. Not that it would make such a big difference, would it? He was at hers 24/7, so it wouldn't be that bad to live at the Mikaelsons' for a few weeks, would it."Don't you think you should ask Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Kol if they're alright with it first?" Bonnie asked hesitantly, already knowing the answer."Klaus won't argue against me. And he likes you. Rebekah's out or in her room most of the time, she doesn't have a real saying in this. And she likes you just like her brother. Elijah's way to polite to not help a damsel in distress, so that's a definite yes. And there's the fact that he likes you as well. And Kol, well, Kol, what do you think?" Caroline replied, turning towards the youngest Original at the end of the sentence."I'm fine with it. Add me to the list of people who like you." Kol answered, smiling at Bonnie who looked at him through her lashes. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she looked back up into his eyes."Well then. I'll stay at yours." she said, smiling shyly. He beamed at her, his eyes sparkling.

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