Chapter six

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Chapter six: I was dumb for loving you.


Please vote and comment:( I know I haven't updated early and shit, but my birthday was on March 27, and with what's happening to the world; I needed a break from literally everything, except for YouTube and Netflix.

Speaking of Netflix, do you guys have any Netflix suggestions? Whether it's a movie or a series?

I do. If you want a sad movie, you have to watch miracle in n. 7, it's Turkish but it's so nice 😭😭.



Chase Peterson was in my room when I returned.

What was he doing? I don't have a clue.

"I was waiting for you," he looked down. "Can we talk about us?"

"There's no us, Chase, there's nothing to talk about," I shook my head.

"We did not end what we had, we left what we had," he placed his hand on my cheek.

"We didn't have anything before," I whispered. "We were just friends who lost touch."

Fun fact, before he turned to a total dickhead; we used to date. For six months though, not long enough.

"No, scar! Do not act like we didn't have anything," he whispered.

"I'm not acting if what we had was real; then, how come you turned to a monster towards me?" I looked into his eyes. "You left me broken, worse than I was before. Loving you was such an amazing safe place that protected me from this world, but I guess loving you had an awful outcome that suddenly; loving you was dark, unsafe, and stupid."

He frowned at my words, but that didn't stop me.

"I was dumb for loving you," I whispered.

It was a secret, nobody knew about us, including his parents and brothers. We thought they'd try to break us up because we knew each other for too long, and it'd be weird.


Seven months to go.

Seven months till I turn eighteen, and I'm going to be out of this house, without a family.

I've always felt empty, but when I leave this house for good, what would I feel?

I was running, I always run to release my stress and anger.

I wasn't angry at Chase, but angry at myself.

I never appreciated anything he did, I blame myself for the harsh words he said to.


-3 years ago-

"Your pasta sucks," I took another bite and tried not to gag. Really, it sucked.

"Keep your rude opinions to yourself," Chase said. He stood up from the table and grabbed two Cokes, then handed me one. "This, will surely make the taste better."

"You should stop trying to be a cook," I gagged. "I'm sorry, Chase."

He frowned, "I'm sorry, Scar."

"It's not your fault you can't cook," I winked.

"I am going to pretend that I'm not hurt by your words," he looked up, and I could see the pain in his eyes.

I sighed, "not everyone's good at everything, Chase."

"I want to be good at everything," he sighed. "And cooking is the only thing I can't do right."

"You can't get a girlfriend," I chuckled.

"Because I'm a player," he whispered. "Players love games."

That was true. He played girls, I wanted to help him stop that weird habit.

"Maybe you can stop playing, because sometimes you might end up getting hurt while playing around," I winked.

"Maybe you can help me with that?" He asked.

"How can I help you stop a habit?" I chuckled.

"I've liked you for a while now, you can help me by dating me," he bit his lip.

I searched his face for answers, to know if he's being serious or joking around, I was shocked.

"You want to prank your family or something?"

"I'm actually being serious," he got closer and stroked one piece of my hair behind my ear. "I would walk miles just to find a way to be with you, and nobody has to know about us."

I smiled widely, "I might have thought about you once or twice."

"What do you say?"

"I'll date you, Chase Peterson," I hugged him.

Technically half hugged him since the table was our barrier.


Remember that the chapter ended with a flashback.

Thank you.

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