Chapter seventeen

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Eid Mubarak to the people who are celebrating! ENJOY IT EVEN IF YOU'RE AT HOME:) it's a sin not to celebrate it!

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Chapter seventeen: you will be okay.


After a week, everything was almost normal. We went to school together, we ate lunch together, we did everything together. However, it didn't feel good, it felt somewhat awkward.

Only eighteen hours left to move in with my brother, and the thought of me leaving finally washed through me. The realization hit me like a train, I wouldn't be awoken up by their loud voices every day. I wouldn't be able to cuddle with Luke every time I feel sad, I wouldn't be able to make trouble with Leo, and eavesdrop when Joey and Eleanor discuss our punishment. But where did it go?

We made moments that don't have an end; that will last forever. Nobody knows what we do, we made it through it all, the boys can never be replaced nor will they be forgotten. It felt like it'll be our final goodbyes, not just see you later- I don't know why.

I wiped away my tears that were falling, I cry too much.

Pretend that you're okay.

I was in my room, on the floor with my clothes all around the room; I groaned in annoyance. I hate this, but I chose to move out.

Pack, pack, until you hurt your back.

"Need help?" A voice appeared behind me, I turned around to see Chase with his hands in his pockets.

"You don't have to," I shook my head.

"But I want to," Chase bit his lip as he knelt down. I smiled at Chase, as he shuffled my hair.


I woke up the next day, nerves kicked in. I gulped as I sat up, today was the day. Today I'd be moving in with my half brother, and it's scary.

"Scar?" Chase knocked. "Awake?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Tell me that I'm going to be okay."

He walked in and sat on the edge of my bed, "you will be okay, Scar, you'll live with your actual brother, and you'll be happy."

"I'll be happy? You don't think I was happy when I lived here?" I scrunched my eyebrows up.

"Honestly, no," he shook his head.

"I was happy when we were together," I whispered. "And when you left, it was like I had nothing to make me happy."

"My brothers?"

"They kiss me every night," I said sarcastically.

He laughed, "remember when you used to like Leo? Every day you would ramble about him and it drove me crazy."

"Remember when your friend had a lake party, and we all went," I said. "The girl tried to hook up with you, so she punched me; she thought I was your girlfriend."

"The surprise was, after three months exactly, you became my girlfriend," Chase genuinely smiled. It made my heart beat so fast, and the butterflies were back in my stomach. "Remember when we first realized that we were in love with each other? We were listening to say you won't let go by James Arthur."

I do, I do. Of course I do, I mean if I didn't hold onto the memories, what would I hold on to?

"I really love that song," I said.

"Of course it is," Chase smirked. "It is our song after all."

We stayed quiet for a couple of minutes until he ruined it, "you're confusing me."

"How come?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"One day you say that you hate me and that you will never forgive me, and the next day you say that you still love me and that you missed me," he noted. "You're giving me bad signals over here."

"I know," I sighed. "I was mad, Chase, mad."

"I know, that's why we are going to take things slowly," he kissed my forehead.


Short chapter but ITS STILL A CHAPTER!!

By the way, Chase did more than accuse her of cheating on him, lie to her, and tell her that he hoped that she would've died with her parents. He mentioned that secrets will come out, just give it some time.

Anyway, thank you guys for reading. I just wanted to make it clear.

Next chapter will be different and you'll know why when I update it.

Thank you!

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