Spiders and Stuff

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It was the grunts and shouts of men that caught her attention, enticed, she wanders down into the darkness. For the long-lived vampire, stalking her prey is as natural as breathing once was. She knows the men, those still on their feet, they're her's.

"What are you doing?" Her voice echoes off the cobblestones, and their erratic heartbeats fill her ears for a moment. Their focus jumps to her, abandoning the man, unconscious and bleeding on the ground.

"Boss!" The leader of the group, Duke, greets. "You scared us."

"Meant to." She grins, "What are you doing?" She asks again, brushing past them to kneel in front of the unconscious man. He was cute, she realized, with his messy dyed blond hair and the circle lenses that rested haphazardly on his face.

"He was causing trouble at Mark's, so we brought him out here to teach him a lesson." He replied, and for a moment she chose to ignore the increase in his heart rate.

"Take him to the house and I'll meet you there." She rises, making her way to the building behind them.

"You want us to take him to the house?" Someone asks and she spins back to them, making them all flinch.

"Are you questioning me, Jose?" She questions, raising an eyebrow in challenge, he shakes his head quickly. "Good. See you at home." With that, she turns back round and enters the bar. "Hey Mark." She greets the owner, and her friend, as she approaches the bar.

"Hey boss." Mark greets, eyebrow raised in confusion at the sight of her, "What brings you here?"

"What happened with the blond boy with the circle glasses?" She questions, and he could have confirmed her suspicions with his grimace alone

"Jae was having a drink with me and Jacks. He starts laughing and knocks over his own drink. Duke had a whole ass fit about how the boss was gonna be mad and dragged Jae out back" He tells her, as Jackson walks out of the back room.

"Hey boss."Jackson greets, "Duke isn't allowed back in here." Jackson tells her and she nods absentmindedly.

"That won't be a problem, Jacks. See you two when you get home." She leans over the bar to kiss both of their cheeks, before turning and beginning the walk home.

It takes less than 10 minutes to make it home, and her first destination upon arrival is the infirmary, where Duke and his goons should have taken Jae.

"What did you do to him, boss?" Sungjin, the resident healer, questions from his seat next to the still unconscious blond.

"I saved him from Duke and his idiots, is what I did, Sungjin." She retorts, coming to stand at the end of Jae's bed.

"What do you mean?" Sungjin's information demand is met with her heavy sigh.

"When I got there, Jae was already on the ground, Duke was kicking the shit out of him. I had them all come here, and found out what really happened from Mark." She tells Sungjin and he stands, pissed and ready to go fight Duke himself, but stops when she puts up her hand. "I'll deal with Duke, Jinnie." She assured the man, "You just take care of him." She nods to Jae and Sungjin glances at the boy on the bed.

"He'll be fine. Couple of broken ribs, a fractured wrist and a busted lip. Nothing I couldn't handle." He explains, "You know we all went to high school together right?" Sungjin looks back to his boss who shrugs.

"I had heard of a Jae from Bri, but it didn't really click till just now. I never had a face for the name. Speaking of you all, where are the other three?" She asks, leaning against the end of the bed.

"Dopil are shopping, and Brian still hasn't returned from his task." He replies, she nods, turning towards the door to leave.

"When Dopil get back, have Dowoon come to my office. I have something I need him to do and let me know when he wakes up." He nods in confirmation, prompting her to leave the room. Taking a breath, she catches the scent of the men, and the hunt is on.

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