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Ava Morris

"So, girl care to explain where you were yesterday and also, nowadays, you aren't spending time with us?" Lola asked with her arms crossed.

"Right, our little miss is busy," Poppy spoke, standing beside Lola.

"Are you going to speak, princess? We were waiting for you yesterday and you never showed up," Lola says.

"Why were you waiting for me?" I asked, pausing the movie.

"We were waiting for you because we wanted you to help us with the project." I rolled my lips into my mouth and bit my upper lip.

"That isn't a group project, Lola."

"I know but I needed your help." She shared a look with Poppy. "Auden and I wanted to go out for dinner and this project was making me anxious. I wanted you to do my project..."

I raised my brow. "Lola, you always go out with Auden. You could've just sat back and worked on the project. I was busy."

"Busy? Why were you busy? And you could've just answered my call." I tried not to snap at her, knowing that she was frustrated that Ms Harper called her to her cabin and gave her a lecture. As I sat quiet, she went on and on.

"Shut up, Lola! I never complained when you were both busy with your boyfriends. I was alone in this room. Now I'm spending that time alone doing some work," I said, which made them shut their mouths. Guilt can be seen through their eyes. I turned away as I didn't want to see those emotions.

I exhaled. "Lola, I know you were anxious about the marks and also wanted to go out with Auden. But you need to understand that grades are important. I won't be available all the time. Even I will be stepping out to enjoy my leisure."

Lola stayed quiet before leaving the room. Poppy and I shared a look before Poppy wandered over and took her seat beside me. "Do you want to watch the movie?" I didn't know what to say. If I stayed quiet, surely Poppy would be saying something and I'm not in the mood to speak something.

"Yes." I resumed the movie and silence fell upon us. Lola didn't return, Poppy and I decided to watch another movie.

"Where did you go last night?" Poppy asked.

"To finish some work."

"Hmm, is it Brad's apartment work?" Poppy asked carefully.

"Yeah..." They already know about Brad and his apartment. I couldn't hide it from them for long and they are my close friends. I didn't feel right hiding it.

"So... How is Brad? How is he when he is home?" I turned my head to see her. She is excited as she asks me about Brad.

"He is good, he is having his training. I hardly see him in the apartment."

"Ah? You go to his apartment and you don't see him?"

"I visit his place because I'm decorating the whole place in his absence. We―don't see each other, we just text about me visiting and leaving the apartment," I said, watching the TV, my mind was somewhere else.

I didn't see Brad for almost one week. I will be completing the work in four days. I want to see his reaction but he won't be there. I'm not ready to ask him if I could meet him. I would sound desperate and he clearly thinks of me as a sister. I hate that thought. I don't want my crush to think or treat me as a sister.

"When will you be done with the whole makeover?"

"Another four days and I will be done," I said, picking up the popcorn bowl. Poppy hums and stands up from the sofa. She goes over to get the nail paint Lola has placed on the dresser table.

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