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Brad McCarthy

"How long are you planning to stay there?" My trainer Michael asked over the phone. A yawn left my mouth while my gaze was fixed on the bird outside the window.

"Three days."

"You had better be back on time. We don't have time for the next ring."

"Yes." I ended the call as Celeb, Axel and Vincent entered the room.

"So man, you aren't going to stay here for a whole week?" Axel asked, passing me the beer.

"No, I have to return."

"I thought of a road trip because we four met after a long time," he says. My gaze goes to Vincent, who is busy in his thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" Celeb questioned Vincent. Vincent sighed heavily, drinking his beer.

"If something is going on. Just speak it out rather than building it up as frustration," Axel spoke and Celeb nodded his head. "I agree with him, it is better if you speak about it," Celeb said.

I stayed quiet, knowing Vincent. He was thinking about Valerie and Paul. The truth that was kept hidden and the truth that he didn't try to know the other side of the story. He was guilty and couldn't shake off the feeling.

"I should've punched Paul that day. So that I could've learned the truth. I didn't try to find out the other side of the story or speak with Valarie after what had happened," Vincent said, looking at us.

"It is going to be okay. Things weren't good and you two needed a break. Now that you two have found your way back, just forget about what has passed away," I said. Vincent smiled, nodding his head.

"So you and Valerie are back again?" Celeb asked Vincent. They don't know that Vincent and Valarie have cleared the air.

"Yes, and this time I'm not going to leave her side no matter what."


"What about you, Brad? Got an eye on any girl?" Axel asked me playfully. My thoughts went to Ava but I kept my face blank.

"No." I gave him a one-word answer.

"Why bro? Didn't Las Vegas girls attract you?" he asked.


"Brad, are you going to live in Las Vegas?" Vincent asked.

"For the time being, I'm not going to stay there forever." I gulped down my beer.

"What about your boxing? Fighting in that ring forever?"

I inhaled heavily, many asked me this question but I never replied to them. But when it comes to the boys, I would like to answer them. They are the only thing close to family, and if they don't know anything about me, who would?

"No, I will be boxing for the next two years."

"Two years? I thought you would be boxing until you crossed fifty," Axel said.

"I will, but not in that ring. I—I don't want to end up in that ring. You know what I mean," I said, taking another beer. I have already hurt my body and I don't think I will be able to fight for a longer run in the ring. I cannot dislocate my nose and limps.

"Then why two years?" Celeb asked.

"Boxing academy." They understood what I was saying. I'm saving all my money to open my own boxing academy where I can train people from the bottom chain of this pyramid.

"But didn't you earn millions?" Celeb asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Not yet." It's the truth, I have already earned enough money to open my boxing academy, but I'm going to fight in that ring for another two years because now I plan on building a future for Ava. I'm not sure if she is seeing someone or not. I looked away when the thought itself stung.

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