Monster like me

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TWs: mentions of abuse/neglect, and while no one has an eating disorder, the behavior/the descriptions may be triggering to some

I want to get one thing straight. It was easy to break into Stark Tower once I'd figured out how. It was the figuring out how that took me five hours. Not the actual breakin' in. Just wanted to make that clear.

That said, it was about ten pm when I finally figured out how to get in, and eleven pm when I actually found Stark. The vents are a bit of a maze, and he wasn't on the top floor like I was expecting. Turns out it's being renovated.

He was alone in his lab, and I watched him flicking through holograms and tinkering with the repulsor on one of his gloves through the grate. I hadn't seen anyone else in the building, though most of the lights were off, so I couldn't tell for sure.

Okay, there he is, now bust out of the vent and stab him--

We want him to help Wade. Trying to kill him will do the opposite of that.

I didn't say anything, I didn't want Stark to hear. Besides, whatever those two came up with probably won't work. I don't know much about Stark, only that he's hella rich and hella smart.

Oh and that he's not a huge fan of mercenaries. Which I am of course. So he's definitely not gonna be happy when he sees me.

Oh well. Let's get this over with.

"Why are your vents so fuckin' huge, Stark?" I said. Stark, oddly enough, didn't even flinch.

"Whoever you are, get the fuck out of my vents. Hawkeye isn't here but I know for a fact he doesn't like anyone else crawling around in there," Stark said. He suddenly turned around and blasted a hole in the space just above my head with the glove he'd been tinkering with. I shouted as a peice of hot metal struck my shoulder. I punched out the grate and fell through the square hole, landing in a crumpled heap on my back.

" Shit! That fucking hurt!" I shouted. As I stood up I saw Stark's face darken as he recognized me.

"Deadpool, you need to get right the fuck out of my tower," he said, now pointing the gauntlet at my chest.

"Yeah, uh, no?" I said. "Took me for-freaking-ever to figure out how to get into the damn place and I sure as hell ain't givin' up now, Laser Hands."

"That's Mister Laser Hands to you, asshole," Stark said.

"Hilarious. You're a fountain of originality, sir," I said, taking out my katanas and giving them a few experimental swings. "I need your help."

"I am not helping you kill someone," he said.


Did you really think he'd consider it? Really?

"Shut up you two, can't you see I'm trying to have a conversation?" I said.

"We haven't said anything yet," said a voice behind me. I whirled around, raising my swords defensively as a metal hand swung at me. Sparks flew as my swords connected with the arm, and the hard, angry expression of the man attached to said metal arm actually sent a small shiver down my spine.

I kicked him hard in the chest and he flew back, only to be caught by none other than... Captain America. He didn't have his shield oddly enough, but I've seen enough of those videos they show us at school to know exactly what he looks like. It was then I realized Metal Arm Dude must be the Winter Soldier, I remember seeing pictures of him online before the Avengers broke up, telling everyone to be on the lookout for him.

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