I don't care how stupid it sounds

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TWs: Wade talks a little more in depth about his cancer, not graphic but still, and Peter is going through a bit of an anxiety attack throughout the chapter

I didn't go to bed like Tony told me to. I barely even considered the idea of sleeping honestly. I stayed up, pacing around and swinging one of my katanas lazily, thinking hard. Line tried to get me to at least lay down but Bold told him to shut up. I think he was still angry about what Peter's Aunt May had said about me being a "thing". I was too, but that wasn't exactly at the forefront of my mind.

I was really just worried about Peter. I literally only saw him for what could've summed up to a minute today. Once this morning before breakfast, which he ended up eating in his room with Tony, and again when that lousy hag was here.

I just wanted to make sure he was okay. I mean... I know he won't be, hell knows I wouldn't be okay if my parents showed up outta nowhere trying to get me to come back home. I'd probably stab 'em to be honest. Kinda like what I tried to do to May.

Man, Bucky was not happy that I had that knife on me. I know he told me not to bring it to the store but I swear, the moment I couldn't feel it in my pocket or my hand anymore... I dunno, it just scared the hell outta me. I've needed to have a knife on me since I was twelve, before that even, and the idea of not having one? Of being all fuckin' vulnerable and open? No way. I mean I can't actually die but I like to avoid injury as often as possible.

It still hurts even if it doesn't leave a mark.

"Wade? Do you have a moment?" came the sound of Tony's AI (Friday, I think Tony said her name was) through the room. I'd been trying to think of something that I could make for Peter to eat once he got back from his Aunt's apartment when her voice interrupted my thoughts, startling me so bad I dropped into a fighting stance, my sword held at the ready as I searched wildly for the non-existent enemy.

I'm still getting used to that.

"Jesus--Yeah I got a moment, a moment to stick one of these katanas up your fuckin' circuit board--"

"Peter is in distress and requires assistance. As you are the only one awake at the moment, I thought it best to notify you," Friday said.

Distress? What kind of distress? Line, what kind of distress?

Bold, pretend we all live in the same head and I know the same amount of information you do.

How do I know you're not keeping secrets!? You and I both knew Peter was Spider-Man, but Wade had no idea! Who knows what you could be keeping from us!?

"If you both could shut up that'd be great," I said, leaving my room without even thanking Friday. I walked quickly down the hallway towards the dim light coming from the kitchen, and rounded the corner.

Peter was sitting on the counter in front of an open fridge, which I could now see was the source of the light. He was trembling, arms wrapped tight around his stomach, and shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

"Peter?" I said, feeling something in my heart break. He started, head snapping up and sobs cutting off in surprise.

"Oh. Hi," he said in a small, shaky voice.

"Hey," I said gently, walking over to him. "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't know Friday was gonna wake someone up, I th-thought she would just--"

"No it's okay, I was already awake," I said, putting a hand on one of his knobbly knees. "What's going on? Why are you crying?"

"It's s-so stupid--"

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