Chapter 2: Three Years Old

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A/N: I really appreciate you guys who are taking their time to read this book, it makes me happy and once again thank you (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)


 It has been three years since I reincarnated here, I would've never thought that Iris's brothers would be sis-cons but what can I say I'm a bro-con too (ノ' з ')ノI first started walking at about a year old because like other people who transmigrate I don't want to start walking at just a few months. I'm getting used to the thought that I might be stuck here forever. 

There's not much to do as a 3 year old, it's a repeating cycle of me just playing in the garden, having tea, and playing around with my brothers. Besides no one says I can't have fun as a 3 year old even though I am technically mentally 19-years-old. 

"Hey Iris, what are you thinking about so hard, I've been calling your name 6 times already." Luca waved his hand in front of my face. 

"Huh, ohh I was thwinking of you, Bwother Luca," I smiled at him. 

"You're so cute Iris, I won't let anyone break your heart!!!" He twirled me round and round. 

"Stop it, you idiot she looks like she's about to puke," Knox came into the room and knocked Luca on the head. 

"Tank you Big Bwother Knox," I was gently taken away from Luca and put down by Knox.  

Damn being a 3 year old is hard, my words can't even form properly. 

"Ohh yeah you two its time for dinner, let us get going," Knox started walking off with Luca and me right behind him. 

"Good evening Mother and Father," we greeted them perfectly, well except me with my not so good tongue technology (・ω<)☆

"Good evening Knox, Luca, and Iris," Mother and Father greeted us warmly with smiles on their face. 

During dinner, we talked a lot about our day, but somehow I keep daydreaming. I keep thinking about my previous life, what will I still be like if I didn't reincarnate here with another loving family. Are my parents mourning for me? I can see their mourning faces, could they even afford my funeral, I'm so sorry mom and dad. As I was still daydreaming about them, tears started to trickle down my face. 

"Iris are you okay?" Mother asked me as stood up from her chair and walked to me, she started to hug me and comfort me. 

"I'm fwine, I'm jwust glad that I hawve a lwoving fwamily," I stared at her and my family as they looked at me worriedly. 

{A/N: I know that it's probably annoying the way she talks, but Its because I don't want her to be too OP, so please understand.} 

Father, Knox, and Luca stood up from their chairs and came to hug me, so basically we're group hugging. Somehow, I feel better because I know that my parents are probably wishing the best for me wherever I am.

"Tank you Father, Mother, Big Bwother Knox, and Bwother Luca," I told them as I wiped my tears away. 

Dinner was finished and it was time to take a bath and go to sleep. Knox and Luca decided to escort me to my room.

"Tank you Big Bwother Knox and Bwother Luca for escwoting me," I smiled at them. 

"Anything for you Iris," they both said and smiled at me sweetly. 

Luca scooped me up and hugged me and asked for a kiss on the cheek, I looked at Knox for help but it looks like he also wanted one too. These two sis-cons, I guess this is why I love them both, what I'm I saying though I'm also a bro-con too ┐('∀`)┌ 

"Young Miss, your bath is ready," My maid, Millie, told me as she walked out of the bathroom. 

As I was done taking a bath, and Millie dried my hair, I went to sleep. In my dreams, I saw my parents from my previous world mourning for me but wishing me happiness wherever I am and apologizing for not giving enough. I wish I could tell them that it's not their fault and that I was happy to be their daughter and meet them again in another life again. 

✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿end of chapter✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

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