Chapter 13: The Festival

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A/N: Here's the next chapter!!! I'm sorry for not updating quicker I've been listening to sad songs these past few days causing me to be sad. Anyways enjoy~ ♡'・ᴗ・'♡


Slowly but surely we both made it outside and towards the carriage without making much noise. It would take at least half an hour for us to get to town but that was fine since more people would probably be there when we got there. There was a specific reason why I wanted to go to the festival and it was because there was probably going to be a slave market there. The slave market was in a secretive spot but with a little extra work and some bribing I should be able to find it. 

It is illegal to have slave markets but no one really cares but the people and some nobles. There are many corrupted nobles who run the slave markets it disgusts me that this happens in this kingdom. I need to make connections and make a name for myself I am already 16, I can't keep sitting here only worrying about the plot. If I were to really become the Crown Princess I could have a chance to speak to the Emperor and other officials. 

"Young Miss we are almost there," Millie said. 

"Okay, also Millie don't forget to call me Young Master instead of Young Miss," I informed.

"I won't forget Young Miss," she saluted. 

I took out a paper from my satchel and wrote down on the piece of paper on the location where me and Millie would meet if we were to be separated. 

"Here Millie, this is where we'll meet just in case something happens," I gave her the piece of paper. 

"Alright," she took the paper. 

Even though it was only half an hour of us riding the carriage it felt like an eternity and like I said before I do sure miss technology, all of my 2d boys are still back there 。゚(*'□')゚。

I took a step outside the carriage and with that one step out I was mesmerized by the beauty of the festival. It reminded me a little like Japan when I sneaked out and watched by the sides, kids were running around enjoying their lives not worrying about anything yet. The lanterns were bright and was everywhere. I should check the stalls first especially the food and then maybe I can look for accessories for Mother and things Father, Knox, and Luca are interested in. 

"Millie is there anything you are looking for?" I deepened my voice and asked her. 

"For now there is nothing of my interest," Millie answered. 

"Alright just stop me when you want to look at something," I told her. 

"Yes, Young Mi- Master," Millie slipped.  

The food from the food stalls were aromatic and I couldn't help myself by eating a lot of food. I missed eating from food stalls and the many unique flavors from each stall. I noticed that when I was disguised as a man I am treated with more respect than I was as a woman. I should really think about becoming a more powerful figure even if it may disturb the road to my relaxing life. 

"Young Master, can I please look at this?" Millie asked

"Millie you know you don't have to say please and yes," I answered. 

Millie bought things for her siblings and parents for when she went back home during the holiday which was coming up soon. We looked around the stalls and even played some games and won gifts from it. I bought Mother a pair of matching earrings and necklace that looked elegant and I bought Father cufflinks that matched Mothers jewelry. For Knox I bought him a gold fountain pen and for Luca I bought him a simple jewel charm for his sword. I suck at picking out gifts so I hope at least they're just a little happy or satisfy with it. 

We were both wandering around and found the plaza where we sat down. At the plaza there seemed like there was going to be a play, the play was going to start soon. Instead there was a mini explosion that happened, people panicked and started running causing me and Millie to separate. 

"Young Master! Young Master!" Millie shouted. 

"Millie go to the location I'll meet you there in an hour!" I shouted to the top of my lungs. 

And just like that me and Millie went our separate ways, I ended up escaping and went to an alley. The alley seemed suspicious meaning there must be a slave market nearby or shady shit going down around here. 


A/N: Alright its the end of the chapter, so I have a few questions and I was wondering if I could get some opinions if possible. 

✿ Would you be happy if I ended this book with a sad ending? 

✿ Would you prefer a happy ending instead?

✿ Totally unrelated but should I write a book with short stories that I was inspired to write at 3 AM?

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