Love to love

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Being in your own company is not loneliness but self consented. Self satisfactory and self prioritization yet that does not mean you end there you take up companionship to complement your world of perfection.....
Not having someone is not to make you fulfilled but to revile your flaws and shortcomings.
And each and everyone needs that bondage of hope
to make life worth the sacrifice. Embrace love to revile your flaws,
not your faults and not your perfection however this same love that exposes you teaches you how to embrace your flaws and adore your flaws to perfection.
Know this love does not complain nor remind is of our flaws but the impact of the sacrifices made by love exposes you to where you failed and how to recover from that mark of distraction.
Hence when love is acclaimed to you don't expect mistakes but always count on flaws and never say I thought you were perfect because if he or she was you would not be needed in the first place.
Let every day of your life count. Enjoy your company but love

Being scared is okay but being loved is far more expensive and igniting than life itself.
    ~ BeNelly~

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