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Some people said the marriage is kinda a new adventures and a new life. Well that’s true, actually. Shen Wei married his husband Zhao Yunlan 7 years ago. He met them by accident at the grocery store and from there the shameless wolf didn’t stop bothering him until finally Shen Wei gave up to the wolf’s charm. Thanks to the adorable twins that Shen Wei loves the most. Since then, his life is actually full of joy, sometimes they fought too but that’s normal right? Shen Wei is happy with his little family, even thought the twins isn’t his biological children but Shen Wei is their mama and always be their mama.

7 years later, the twins still Shen Wei’s adorable children. But now Shen Wei has more challenges in his life since the twins is a teenager with a lot, note that! A lot of teen problems. In addition there’s a new member in the Zhao Household, a baby girl. The couple wanted to have their biological child so they decided to have another baby by surrogacy. So yeah, as you can see, Shen Wei has a lot of challenges, his twins, his baby, his house also he still a 7th grade teacher and…………. Zhao Yunlan still destroy the kitchen.

For reader who have read the first story, you will recognize instantly the member of Zhao Household but for the one who new to this story, let me introduce you the member of Zhao Household :

1. Zhao Yunlan (39 Years Old)

He is the wolf, according to Shen Wei. Over-confident husband with a mind full of tricks, of course he uses all of his tricks to get his wife’s attention. Zhao Yunlan is a man with a simple mind, although he is a CEO from famous company, but when it comes to his Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan can turn to be a thoughtful man. But of course the only thinks about how to get his wife. Aside from his mind full of how to get his wife, Zhao Yunlan is a fun daddy for the twins. He always spoil the twins, buy everything that they want, even sometimes get scolded from the Mama.

So yeah, after 7 years, nothing changed from the Papa Wolf, except he starts to grow a grey hair and his appearance become more mature, but the wolf is still the wolf. Zhao Yunlan still the same and still destroy the kitchen.

2. Shen Wei (33 Years Old)

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