Chapter 8

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Yuin jolted and began to shiver violently. He squeezed his eyes closed and hugged himself tightly. His eyes opened painfully slowly to the dull light of a lamp.

What he could see was sheets piled high into the corner and a woman looming over him. She was holding the lamp close and peering into his face. Her mouth moved but there were no sounds. She was a young woman with brunette hair to her shoulders.

He opened his mouth but he was also absent of words. The woman touched his face with a hand that felt like ice. She looked away from him and another person moved into the light. His teeth glinted in the lamp's light and his stunning green eyes darted between Yuin and the woman.

She spoke again but this time he could hear words. "Hand me that oil, quickly!" she shouted as she hung up the lamp where Yuin could not see it. "Eya! Mujjok, give it here!"

She snatched a bottle from the man and opened it. She put her finger into the opening and tipped it up then wiped the finger over his upper lip and forehead. It stung his nostrils and made him sneeze a few times. The woman wiped his nose and threw the cloth at her companion.

She sat him up and poured a strong tasting liquid down his throat. "You have to try and drink this," she said quickly before tilting the bottle. Yuin swallowed once then coughed up the rest. "Good boy," she said excitedly. "You're gonna be okay now. Eya, Mujjok! Get him another blanket and a warm drink."

"Does it look like we have warm drink? When was the last time you had warm drink?" came the snarky reply.

The woman made a face that reminded Yuin of his mother when she was upset and he smiled a little. "Fine, I'll find something. You're the one who wanted to stop and see what happened, do not get upset with me when you actually have to do something," she said as she moved out of view. "I just hope we got to this girl in time..."

Yuin sat up suddenly and looked beside him. Aela laid beside him wrapped in blankets. He looked at the woman with a question in his eyes.

"We woke her before we woke you, she's alive, don't worry," she assured him. "But she looks very weak. I hope it hasn't made her condition worse. Is this your sister?"

Yuin closed his eyes and nodded. "This is all my fault... I did not have to do it... I am so sorry Aela."

The woman brought him a cup, glaring at Mujjok as she handed it off. The cup warmed his hands and they stung a little.

"I didn't think we would be meeting again like this," he said, his tone as lighthearted as he last remembered. "Going past the part when you told me you were alone, what in the world were you two doing out there?"

Yuin sipped the hot drink and made a face. It was spicy as well as hot. "What is this?"

"It's an cinnamon tea. Kicks you back into gear after almost dying."

"I was trying to get her back to the town," Yuin replied meekly. "We were traveling with a group when the snow became too much. They were used to it but I knew my sister could not handle it so I was taking her back to the town." He stared into the cup as he spoke. "Thank you for saving her because...I could not even manage that."

The woman pat his leg. "I will look after her until she is feeling better, I promise. If there is anything you want to talk about, Mujjok will be happy to lend an ear. My name is Mahmi. Just call if you need anything. This one is the most useless bahmeo I've ever met. As long as he doesn't have to do anything it's fine."

"Don't tell him that! Stop yelling over the girl or you'll make her condition worse," he retorted. "Try not to shout until she's up and about. Can you do that, yechta?"

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