Chapter 10

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The base of the mountain was before them and the snow caps towered high overhead. Fresh powder dusted the scenery. Yuin couldn't help how nervous he felt about being so close now. He kept telling himself the Shiera were long gone.

After spilling his guts, Mujjok had gotten it in his head that maybe they could help them get inside the village. As if they were lifelong pequam. Yuin really hoped they wouldn't find the gate keeping village, still he mentally prepared himself for the worst.

Even though Mujjok and Mahmi had taken care of them so far, Yuin became nauseas at the thought of them reaching their destination.


Yuin looked beside him where Mujjok sat with the reins in hand. His stomach was churning but he just quickly nodded in reply.

"What's on your mind?"

Yuin averted his gaze back to the ground moving underneath  them.

Mujjok looked at him then back to the horses. "Why did you decide to tell me about the Shiera?"

Yuin didn't respond. His stomach refused to settle. Mujjok glanced at him again and drew the horses to a stop. Yuin jumped down from the driver's seat and ran behind the caravan. Everything he had eaten was emptied from his stomach in record time.

Mahmi opened the door and peeked out to see why they had stopped so suddenly. The sight of Yuin doubled over greeted her and she hopped out to check on him. Mujjok joined her and Aela peered out from the caravan.

After a few minutes to rest they continued. Yuin rejoined Mujjok in front. He didn't want to talk about the Shiera. The more he thought about it the more he realized that there was going to be a choice that had to be made.

When night fell once again they did not stop to rest. The mountain was upon them. There had been no sign of bandits or Shiera.

"We're not walking up to the front door," Mujjok said in response to Yuin's confused expression. "We will have to leave the horses here and continue on foot."

Yuin got down from the driver's seat and adjusted his coat. "What will you do if they attack you on sight?"

"I know how to defend myself. If you're afraid you can stay here with the caravan."

"I am not afraid," Yuin snapped. That was a lie. "If you attack them they will kill you."

Mujjok unhooked the reins from the horses. He pat their noses reassuringly. They trotted off into the distance then he turned to face Yuin. "I don't know what you think we are going to do, but we will not go into their sacred place. We only want to see it with our own eyes. No one would believe us if we told them anything. This is for our own curiosity."

"Why can you not leave them alone?" Yuin looked into the older man's eyes searching for answers. Could he really trust his word?


"You there!" A voice boomed from above. "You are not Shiera. Leave this place at once."

Yuin stepped in front of Mujjok. "We are sorry to have disturbed your sacred place. We will leave immediately."

"If you could spare us a moment," Mujjok spoke up, "we would be grateful."

Yuin looked back at him. Mahmi and Aela stood behind them.

"You will leave now, humans, or I will have to force you."

"Mujjok, stop," Yuin warned.

"We do not want to fight," Mujjok said.

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