XVIII: Move of the Pawn

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William pulled at the strap of the saddle on the black stallion

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William pulled at the strap of the saddle on the black stallion. A tall steed with a decorative saddle that had a harness that wrapped around his chest and back. Aria stood not far from them, keeping a short distance as William tended to the horse. Her eyes stared down at her hands, tracing over the small scar across her palm. She lifted her eyes for a moment, letting them fix upon the spot she cut with the rusted chain. A breath of air left her, while for a second she pressed her thumb against the scar.

Her fingers slid up her hand and made their way to her wrist. Aria's fingertips brushed against the scar and then another and another. For a brief moment, she felt nothing. An empty void sucked all of her away, leaving a hollow shell. A surge of heat sprung from her scars, each becoming more riled than the next until she felt her arms and back completely submerged in heat. Her arm clenched around her wrist, squeezing while her breath faded.

Once more, she could smell the moisture in the air. The cold air strung against her skin. Her fingers rubbed against the dirt that caked over her hand. She tilted her head back, and took one deep breath before lowering her head.

"What are you doing?" Aria asked as William lowered the stirrup of the saddle. He shot her a glance as he made his way towards the other horse.

It was a mare who was much thicker and shorter than the black stallion, and had a buckskin coat with a dark mane. Similar to the stallion, she had an elegant saddle with a harness across her chest. Her face was wider compared to the stallion's, and her mane wasn't nearly as long nor braided like his.

"I'm preparing the horses for travel," William said while reaching underneath the mare. "What does it look like I'm doing? We'll be on the road for at least a couple of days maybe longer and that's just getting to where we're heading."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Aria stepped in the sloppy mud as she made her way towards William. Just as she drew near, the mare bobbed her head up and down and began to dig her front hoof into the mud. Aria uncrossed her arms, holding them out before her as she took a few steps back.

William quickly moved himself out from underneath her, and jumped in front of her with his arms raised. In a deep voice, he called out to the mare. After a few attempts, the mare calmed. Aria watched as William placed his hand against her face and rubbed up and down before turning to Aria.

"I want you to ride my horse, Exodus," William demanded as he pointed towards the tall black stallion. Aria cocked her head to the side and held her arms out, causing William to chuckle under his breath. "I know he is tall, but he is calmer than Lady here."

Aria rolled her eyes before walking over to Exodus. Standing at his side, she took in a deep breath while rolling up the sleeves of her baggy red shirt. She gripped the horn and the rear of the saddle, and moved her left foot to be placed into the stirrup. For a couple of seconds, she bounced before jumping and swinging her leg over onto the other side. Both of her hands gripped onto the horn of the saddle tightly, until she had finally taken a few breaths.

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