XXII: Den of Rage

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Aria's back crashed on the ground

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Aria's back crashed on the ground. Her hands scattered and pushed against the neck of the dog that growled at her. Jerking her head, Aria spotted her dagger a little ways from her. She reached out her arm. Yet, stopped the moment the dog on top of her snapped its jaw closer to her face.

Another dog ran to her side. Knocking the dagger away from her, Aria grunted while leaning her head back. She arched her back and pressed her feet against the beast's belly. With a push, the beast crashed into the other dog. Aria rolled to her side. Taking the dagger into hand she got into a defensive position.

The dogs snarled at her. One charged after her as the crowd of bandits cheered. She pushed her arm against its neck and dug her dagger deep. Carving through, as red stained her arms. She could feel the blood rushing behind her ears. Breathing heavily, she threw the dog to the side as the other one began to run after her. Screaming, she fell down as the dog snapped once more at her, attempting to reach her. Again and again, she stabbed at its neck. Her blade sunk deeper. Pulling the dagger from the flesh, she drove it into the beast's head.

Breathing heavily, she pushed the dog off of her. Red, hot liquid flowed down her hand. She could not hear their cheers. It had been drowned out by her breaths and pounding heart. Rolling to her side, Aria lifted her head.

Bolts of lightning sprang from a crowd of men. The blue light danced around the ceiling. One jumped past her, touching the ground and crashing into the wall behind her. Using her arms, she pushed herself up. When she lifted her head again, she watched as bodies dropped to the floor. William stood with his sword in hand.

Energy licked every corner of his body. His eyes glowed brighter than before. Aria smelt the iron in the air. She could see the blood that soaked his clothes as it dripped from the folds and onto the floor. Men still came for him, attempting to knock him down. As men piled onto him, he continued to run his blade through them, and send waves of lightning through their bodies.

A boot stepped near Aria. Red began to cloud her vision as something took a wave over her. Her grip tightened around the handle of her dagger to the point all she felt was a pain. With a flashing vision of red and white, she dug the blade across the man's ankles. Climbing over him, she raised her dagger and rammed it through his neck. A hand gripped her shoulder.

Keep your rage for me.

A ringing sent through her ears. Pulses of red continued to beat through her. She fell deeper and deeper. Black stains covered her, yet her arms were completely covered. Pulling the arm, she twisted her body and stabbed her dagger into the bandit's side of his ribs. She pushed her body onto him, pulling the dagger out and stabbing it through his eye. His mouth opened, yet she could hear no screams. All she could hear were bells.

Let your anger flow.

The bells echoed louder and louder. Running her hands through over her face crimson smeared. Her heart pounded with the bells. Pressing her hands over her ears she tried to stop the sound. A scream pierced through her. This isn't me!

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