Chapter 18

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     "You know, it's quite rude to listen in on conversations not involving you," Rouhem pointed out from behind. Inferno flicked her wrist, giving him a lovely view of her middle finger. 

     She tossed a scowl his way. "Are you trying to get me caught? Shh!" She forced herself to look away from his handsome features. God, why couldn't he be anything less than perfect? Her life would be easier without his golden skin and gorgeous face. 

     "Why don't we just-" 

     "Shh!" Inferno hissed, pinching his shoulder. She couldn't afford to make any more noise. He zipped his lips, though his annoyed expression spoke with vulgar. 

     When the conversation turned irrelevant, Inferno diverted her attention back on the impatient prince. There he stood with his arms crossed. His entire focus landed on her, and this kindled a heat underneath her flesh caused only by Rouhem. He knew just how to have an effect on her. Not that she would ever acknowledge it or admit to it. 

     She tilted her head in gesture and began her stride. 

     The hallway had a dull, dark grey theme. The entire area had no effort put into it whatsoever. This was a place where enemies stayed, though usually left in pieces. This was a place where it was appropriate to use violence. Besides the training room, that was. 

     She lead a trailing Rouhem out of the 'guest area' and through the training floor. The entire floor was filled with a variety of equipment perfect for exercise and practice. Underneath her feet was an expansive red mat, soft enough to prevent fatal injury but tough enough to leave bruises. Above were beaming lights in a cement ceiling. This was a custom-made place for a peculiar and particular family. 

     Her fingers were itching, having not experienced action in far too long. Even as she was recovering from the strange transformation of her body, instinct urged her to chase the elation of brutality between two bodies. Inferno wasn't living right if she wasn't knocking a few teeth loose at least once a week. 

     Inferno knew her habits were considered unhealthy, yet that couldn't explain away how rejuvenated she felt from the thrill of handing out some whoop-ass. Laying on a leather couch and releasing her problems to some phony therapist just didn't sit right with her. That way of life was probably very successful for many folks, but she would always believe the best way to mend a broken heart is to break the bones of the offender. 

     "So did they discover anything?" Rouhem pressed as they ascended to the kitchen, where one entrance to the training floor beneath was located. His ability to remain composed really pissed her off. 

     Inferno watched as he raided the fridge without concern. He removed a can of Mountain Dew and got to gulping. "No, the guy was just a scout. They wanted to send a disposable, hopeful to discover something."

     "I don't understand what is so intimidating about the Hawk Clan," Rouhem leaned against the sink with the drink in between his grasp, "they seem a little... Unorganized, in my opinion. You and I alone could probably dethrone this little annoyance is an hour." 

     "As if I would do those bastards such a big favor!" Inferno scoffed, "why would I fight for people I don't even know?" She waited patiently for an answer. 

     She was taken aback when a hearty laugh popped from his lips. "You little hypocrite! Is your memory lacking these days? I remember a time when a certain pixie faced off with the mad King Zyhed for the sake of not only one but two nations! And tell me if I am wrong here, but there is no way you are familiar with all beings from Animal Kingdom and Might Empire." 

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