Chapter 49

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    "I knew they were going to get engaged!" She exclaimed, pausing  her reading activity.

    Soren was jogging on a treadmill, looking all too tempting. "They're gone for twenty minutes and you being to gossip, huh?"

    The couple had come to visit for a couple more days weeks after their initial departure. She had no idea where they were off to now, but she had a feeling that it would be an eternity before they even consider settling down. "I know, I know. But give me some credit, I did predict  it?"

    He nodded. "Anyone with eyes could see it."

    She smiled at him. "Just like us?"

    Soren nodded again. "Except, more stabbing and causing physical harm to one another."

    She looked down at her homework. Her tutor was really starting to give her more challenging readings. She always became nervous when seeing too many long words. "Yes, that's true. I'm not sure I could handle a spar with you."

    "Like you'd lift a finger!" He scoffed. "I'd be fried before anything could ensue."

    "That is also true!" Annika agreed, chewing on the end of the pen that was in her hand. She liked to underline the words she couldn't figure out. These days, thankfully, there weren't as many marks.

    "Your Majesties!" One of the guards came rushing in. The last time one of their staff approached them in such a fashion, her best friend was on the brink of death.

    Annika stood from her place on the ground and Soren got off the treadmill. His feet were light when they met the floor, barely audible. "What is it?" She took his sweaty hand as he got by her side.

    "Hedisa, she's escaped, and Matteo is nowhere to be found either."

    The way Soren could so swiftly transition from a relaxed state still concerned her. "Have you checked in with Tynan?" He immediately inquired.

    "That's just it, Your Majesty, he hasn't returned from his late night endeavors."

    She took in a deep breath and shared a worried frown with him.

    So much for a break from chaos.


    Weeks went by, but they both that they couldn't stay in one place for very long. After stopping by Might Empire to give the news, they decided to visit Edwin and Poppy, who were happily married and expecting a baby. Yeah, Rouhem was going to be an uncle-in-law. Well, at least when they finally got married.

    They were on some beach on some continent. Inferno was on the phone with her parents.

    "I'm telling you, Edwin is happy. He didn't say when he was returning. I know you want to see the grand baby. They just don't want her moving around too much  Don't push it." Aine asked something else. "Yes, we will give you a tour of Soul next week. No, not tomorrow-What do you mean you're already headed that way? No, Kittrix lied to you, we're not there. Tell Ira to stop shouting in the background, I can barely hear you. We just got here. You know what, I'm sure Brexon would love to entertain you in the meantime."

    Rouhem barked out a laugh. "You're evil."

    Inferno winked at him. "Yeah, I guess we can cut this short, but it's still going to be a couple of days." She stopped her pacing, and plopped down next to Rouhem. She sighed. "I feel fine. I already told you, the doctor said I'm as good as new. My back is completely healed. Yeah, no wings yet, but the doctor said that they would take a lot longer to restore themselves so there's still hope there."

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