Chapter 8

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Xiao Zhan lets out an awkward side cough and said, "You-You're letting the one you love decide?"

Wang Yibo looks at him meaningfully but didn't answer for a good second. "Yes," he breathed and continued his words, "Am I not letting the person I love decide for our wedding?" Xiao Zhan's heart was thumping loudly and he was scared if Yibo could hear it. "Who is that person?" He whispered under his breath but his ex still heard him.

"Who else could it be?"

Xiao Zhan knew he was in a difficult spot. His heart was assuming things as it bangs inside his cage and his mind was being reasonable for telling him that it's not him.

"I..." He trailed off as he looks down, his eyes were getting blurry as he stared at his old black shoes. The wedding planner clenched his fists and pursed his lips as he felt trapped.

"Am I," Wang Yibo started as he moved closer. Xiao Zhan saw how Yibo's shoes appeared on his view. "Still allowed to continue loving you?"

The wedding planner is deeply perplexed. Did he finally go insane and started hallucinating things that he wanted to hear and what he was yearning for all this time? "You're engaged," Xiao Zhan snapped as he looks at Yibo with the obvious hurt on his face.

"I am engaged," Wang Yibo answered and added,"To you."

"What!?" Xiao Zhan raised his voice as he steps back. At first he was addled but now he's enraged. Nothing was making any fucking sense to him. Was this jerk playing games with him?

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

"M-Me? Sound surprised?" The wedding planner stuttered as he points himself with a disbelief look on his beautiful face. "You're-! Since when did we agree on getting married!?"

It was Wang Yibo's turn to be taken aback. The younger didn't bother to conceal his hurt on his face as he opened and closed his mouth, trying to say something. His adam's apple went up and down as he gulped, attempting to utter a word.

Xiao Zhan, seeing the other's reaction, he immediately felt guilty. As if he purposely wronged him. Well, the wedding planner was a weak man for Yibo after all. "You left without saying anything. You think we're still together?" Wang Yibo didn't say anything but his brows furrowed.

"If you think we are, why didn't you call me? Or even sent me a message? Or even bother to say something after or before you left?" Xiao Zhan was trying his best to not waver, every word that he spoke was tearing a wound open that once healed. As he continued with his words, "I can't really understand you. Then here you are, suddenly back and assigning me to plan a wedding. Who's Elyssa? Why did you leave? Why are you talk to me about this just now? Just what did I do wrong!?"

"You think you're so damn right about everything? Haven't you ever thought of how much I suffered through these 3 years that you were gone?" Xiao Zhan massaged his temples, trying to calm himself down. "Are you even aware that I am stilling existing in this world?"

He's once thumping heart is now aching. The wedding planner felt anguish and sorrow succumbing inside his chest. It was painful as he stopped himself from crying. He told himself that, something from the past isn't worth crying anymore.

Xiao Zhan looked at the man in front of him and to his surprise, Wang Yibo's eyes glimmered waterily as he met the wedding planner's eyes for a second after they casted down. Just as he did that action, a tear escaped from his right eye. Yibo was biting his lower lip and remained silent.

The wedding planner doesn't know what to say anymore. He just yelled his heart out to Yibo and now he's speechless. "You think a wedding could mend a broken heart?" Xiao Zhan whispered as he looks away.

Wang Yibo takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and raised his hand. Xiao Zhan didn't even noticed how the latter got closer and a soft cloth started wiping his cheeks. "What are you-!?" He actually broke down. The wedding planner literally started crying. Wang Yibo didn't even bother to wipe his own tears.

Xiao Zhan mentally cursed and he was about to push away Yibo when the said man just spoke, "I'm sorry." His voice was hoarse and low, it made the wedding planner pause and felt pained. "But I'm not asking you to forgive me. You're right, I'm a jerk." The latter remained silent as he gently pushes away the younger's hand that was wiping his tears.

"I just want to ask you but I guess you never opened the box?" Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo and slightly raised a brow. "What box?"

• • •

"Sorry to interrupt but you're miss Zoey?" Meng Zoey looks tears her eyes away from her food and looks up to see a beautiful lady with long brownish hair, wearing a blue dress.

"Ah, yes and you are?" She replied as she felt slightly awkward. "I'm Elyssa, Wang Yibo's childhood friend." She reaches out her hand as she introduced herself. Zoey accepted it with as smile as they shook hands.

"You're not Yibo's fiancè-Ack!" Yu Bin squeaked as he felt Meng Zoey pinched his thigh. Meng Zoey sighed and slightly gave Yu Bin a glare. "Oh dear, is that how everyone sees it?"

"Yes," Yu Bin whispered and Zoey wanted to facepalm. Elyssa didn't look offended at all and even beamed a gorgeous smile. "Aiya, I should dress up as a guy next time."

"That won't be necessary," Zoey quickly added and Elyssa giggled. "Alright, thanks for understanding," she takes a seat and her expression changed from elated to looking gloomy and serious. "I need your help, don't tell anyone about this especially Zhan," she said in a lowered tone.

"What? Why? What's this about?" Meng Zoey is puzzled with her sudden words. Help for what? Whan can mere co-wedding planners help for a serious sounding matter?

"This is about Wang Yibo."

Didn't proofread again y'all. Expect me to be lazy. Scold Endless right here and scream at her face. Sorry for the short chapter ;u; I think 1 more chap + Epilogue!

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