The beging

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It was a not so good morning it looked like it was about to rain with my grandparents gone there was so much opportunity you see I live on a duplex with my grandparents it's really nice and my grandparents spend a lot of the time with my baby cousin (really a toddler) he comes over and my grandparents babysit him. Later in the day I get a little hungry so I go to get some snacks on further investigation I see we have none so I ask my dad if I can get some from my grandparents house he said yes so I head down to get some snacks. As soon as I get the snacks it hit me what if I get a diaper from my baby cousins room I think for a few seconds and put it off I've always wanted to wear diapers since I was 7. The next day I desided to get more snacks but thus time I was getting some diapers it was a perfect plan I'd go down in pj's and when I get the snacks I slip the diaper into my underwear. I get my pj's on ask my dad and I'm off I head into my grandparents bedroom and grab a nice diaper with trucks on it I grab my snacks and get to my bedroom I put the diaper in the cabinet under my bed anxious to wear it.

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