On the punishment

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I was on punishment how did this happen my mom came in the room and explained the rules of the punishment
1. You need to be in a diaper 24/7
2. You must act like a baby or be punished
3. You need to go to the bathroom in your diaper at all times
So my mom asked if I was ready I said not at all she didn't care and layed me out on the bed and striped me of my clothes and put on a diaper along with a onesie she gave me some warm milk and a pill to make me poop she told me to wach a little tv she put a kid show suddenly I had the urge to pee but didn't want to in front of my mom but after a few minutes I couldn't hold it for some reason I tried but it was no use there was a hissing noise fallowed by a warm feeling so soothing then a spiking feeling in my stomach then a huge spurt of poop my mom heard it and took me to my bed and changed my diaper I felt so embarrassed
And said it's time for bed but it was only 6 o'clock I asked why so early she replied with your just a little baby I denied it but some how fell asleep fast but when I woke I felt a warm and sluggish supstince I noticed I pooped in my sleep oh no it can't be how did I have such an accident in bed embarrassed of the fact that I had a accident I changed my diaper but my mom saw and punished me put taking me to the the park and had me play with all the other kids of my age I enjoyed it until I saw my crush

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