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 this chapter might be a little bit... uncomfortable. just so you know it's about tampons, bras, and periods... not gonna lie it's kinda, sort of an uncomfortable subject but this is based on a conversation I had with one of my friends and i just thought it'll be kinda funny... in a sick way i guess.


Nicolas || Morgan 

(April 16)

Periods sucks

I'm an actually GIRL so I know

Periods and bras sucks

 This is taking a weird turn

My cousin is just...

What about your cousin?

She came over and she started talking about how uncomfortable her bra is

Why would she rant to you?


She wouldn't stop ranting and she even threatened to make me use one 


The easiest way to understand is through experience ;)

Not funny!!!

Hang in there

First thing she did when she came 

she barged in saying 'i'm on my period so don't fuck with me or i'll blow your house down'


Not funny


Stop laughing 

I'm not


how would you know?

Cause I could feel it in my gut

Alright I am laughing

Are they really uncomfortable

What bras?


Depends I mean I've been wearing them since I was 13 

You get used to it


I've known other girls who take them off when they sleep tho


Uh, what's so great about that?

Now she's asking for freaking girl advice



Now she's taking of her bra

WTH?! in front of you?

 De hell it just like popped off from under her shirt 

What fucking voodoo is this


If I die please stick jefree star, tati, shane, and james charles on my coffin


Wait... oh my god

Don't worry I'll keep it a secret

Uh... why?

Excuse me? My death should be known by the ENTIRE WORLD

Umm... I'm talking about your hobby

Uh... did I ever develop such hobbies that should be kept a secret

I swear I'm not a dealer

No, no I mean make up

Ew no

My cousin hates the community, not make up

Avoid them like a fucking disease but always bugs me like a fly

oh I though you like- ya know make up

Since you watch them

WTF no

I don't want her coming to my grave ranting about her girl problems when I'm dead

I want to rest in PEACE

A-are you using jefree, tati, shane, and james as a repellent?

Like I said, I want peace

Ugh now she's asking if I have an extra tampon

Why would I have a tampon?

Ask your mom you no good of a human

 Fuck off

If you want to replace me then be my guest

Nu uh no thank you

ugh she's making me get one

How the hell should I know what a tampon looks like

I don't even know where my mom keeps them

Want me to send a pic?


Your loss


Are you seriously leaving me alone?



"Got you a tampon."

"That's not a tampon."

"Then what the fuck am I holding?"

"Those are pads"




CONGRATULATIONS!!!! you finally made it to the end of this very uncomfortable chapter. I know you might be thinking... Why in the world would I make this? 

Again, as I said, I thought it'll be funny... I mean what are the odds of a boy talking to a girl about THOSE stuffs. 

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