B C : B E - M I N E - F O R E V E R ?

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Nicolas || Morgan

Bro, she cheated on me

You're not on drugs are you?

Yea, I saw her kissing all over the guy name Nicolas?

Ahh I see what you're doing... ;)

Is this a joke?

I should've confronted her

 This is a horrible joke, you know that?

Wait, you're not Vincent

Who are you?

You're a stranger

Did my clueless being give it away?

You're a stranger

Yea you already said that buddy




was that a reenactment of our first convo?



Today's the day


Yea it's April first babe



It's been 6 years since we texted

6 years since we became friends

4 years since you asked me to be your gf

1 year since i asked you to move in with me

I feel old

Well I do too

Remember the promise we made?

The one we made when I asked you to be mine?

the Phoebes and Esmerelda thing


I do remember, why?

Well do YOU want to be my Esmerelda

Of course 
That's why we made the promise in the first place

I mean for real

Right now

like right now, right now?

Yea, like right now

Wait, what?



Morgan just stood there confused in the middle of their living room. Yes, their living room, Nicolas finally got the guts to ask Morgan to move in with him right after college. Of course, he asked her how he would normally ask her for anything, by texting her and she didn't mind the lack of romantic mood. No matter how much of a sucker for romantics Morgan is, she didn't like to experience them in real life, it's so cringy and awkward, she always thought. and he- like the good boyfriend he is- knew that.

The Wrong April Fools textWhere stories live. Discover now