My world

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Harriet pov :

I prepared dinner for all three of us, during entire dinner I didn't speak anything. Alex was teasing zayden a lot.
After having dinner zayden and alex were watching Stranger Things and I was washing dishes.

"angel water please. " zayden asked me when I came out of kitchen.
I don't know when was the last time he called me Harriet.! But that's sweet I love it when he calls me angel.
I hand him glass, he moves towards the centre of couch giving me space next to him to sit.
I sit next to him , "so angel? " alex says laughing
"man..! you don't get to call her that. " zayden cuts him off
Alex raises his hands in air chucking " I never imagined you could get this possessive. "
"you very well know, I don't share what's mine. " zayden tells looking at  Tv
MINE.. That made my heart flutter.

After few minute I felt his hand on my shoulder and then it slided  to my waist pulling me closer , I look at him " I guess you are scared " he whispered near my ear.
"iam not kid and this isn't even close to horror movie " I said
he just gave me a nod and turned his gaze back to tv, but his thumb was drawing circles on my waist.
I was staring at him instead of the screen. "baby you are drooling " he said smirking, my hand involuntary moved towards my mouth, what the hell..! how can he make fun of me, I wasn't drooling. I slapped on his chest giving him a glare "you look cute when you are angry " he said kissing my nose tip, even though I was angry on him my face flushed when he said that.
"ahem..! " alex cleared his throat.
"yuk..! cheesy couples, iam going, you guys carry on and I suggest you guys should go on a honeymoon cause if you guys do this in college then singles like us are gonna die " alex said chucking and walking towards the door.
I could feel my cheeks were burning right now, what do I do.? what type of situation did alex put us into.?
After alex left both of us didn't move a bit nor did we speak and the episode was also coming to end, what to do.? should I play next episode.
ugh..! this is awkward. what was the need to speak about honeymoon and all...!
Finally our little silence session was broken by zayden "um.. you want to watch next episode or go to sleep.? " he asked taking remote in his hand.
"I better go to bed " I said, he just gave me a nod and stood up.
I literally ran till my room and jumped on bed and wrapped the quilt around me, after few minutes the bed on the other side dipped and I felt warm hand around my stomach, my stomach as usual fills with butterflies this happens everytime zayden touches me. "goodnight angel " he said kissing my head
"good night " I replied placing my hand on his.


Morning when I woke zayden wasn't there next to me, it was only 7am where did he go.?
I took shower and went down and searched for zayden everywhere but he was no where in the house.
I texted him asking where he is.. but no reply.
I watered herbs in kitchen garden and then prepared breakfast , I kept on looking at my phone thinking I might get a reply from him but in vain, he didn't reply.
seriously? how can he just vanish without informing me.?
I was constantly looking at watch which now showed 10am , where is he..?
I called him twice, he didn't pick the call.
what the hell dude.! I called Alex too but even he didn't pick my calls.
I dialled his number once more and thank god he finally picked it.
"where the hell are you zayden? " I yelled as soon  as he picked my call
"woah, cool angel iam coming " his voice was cool like as usual
"you better have explanation for not answering my texts and calls " I said still maintaining my angry tone.
"angel, iam coming, I was struck in traffic... just few minutes.. SHIT --" I could hear horn sound followed by sound of car brakes and screams.
"zayden." no answer
"zayden "......!
I disconnected the call and dialled his number again.
'The number you are trying is currently switched off ---'
My heart stopped for few seconds.


I don't know what to do..? whom to call..? My mind is blank infact iam feeling like every cell of my body has stopped working.

The sound of horn followed by brakes sound and most importantly zayden swearing is repeating again and again in my mind .
Please God..! Don't let anything happen to him, he is my happiness which I have found after so many years.. I don't want to lose him.
I just try to stop unwanted thoughts which were currently running in my mind.
Why can't I live a happy and normal life..!
I stand in the same place for few minutes as if my shoes are glued to the ground.
Gathering up my courage I dialled his number once again but I get the same answer 'switched off'
My hands were shaking but somehow I managed to call alex cause he is the only person who can help in finding zayden.
After like four rings he picks the call
"oh god.. is zayden with you. " I ask as soon as he picked up.
"oh hello to you to cutie, he was with me few minutes ago , I guess he is on the way back home " he replied.
"Alex his phone is switched off and I am scared as hell --" Alex interrupted "oh yeah I was with him when you called, there was an accident "
"what..? is he okay..? " I was controlling myself.
you know how it feels to finally find someone who loves you, after so many years you are able feel the warmth and sweetness of being loved and cared and then you find out something bad happened to them that's where all your dreams shatter.
right now iam feeling as if my world is gonna end..!
" are you listening " my thoughts were interrupted my Alex voice 
"sorry what did you say..? " I asked again, my voice tensed
"I said zayden is alright... basically we encountered an accident. No big deal, no one is hurt" he said
I took a deep breath..! thank god he is okay.
"don't stress cutie, he will come home within few minutes.. " he said
"hmm.. "
"bye take care, don't stress out.. "
"hmm bye " I disconnected the call
Now iam hungry but I don't have mood to eat the breakfast, I better make sandwich and eat.
I was applying butter on bread but my mind was preoccupied with zayden thoughts.
I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my stomach from behind, I would have jumped out of shock if I wouldn't have smelled his aroma.
I turn around to look at him, damn his eyes, when he looks at me directly it always takes my breath away.His eyes darted downwards and he frowns , I also follow his gaze to see iam holding butter knife in my hand which is currently pointing him.
Without waiting for another second I wrap my hands around his neck and hug him. I just want to make sure he is here with me and he is safe..! i inhale deeply making sure I intake this aroma to make my racing heart and blanked mind calm, I never knew zayden means world to me until this moment. Yea he means world to me♡..
He is my everything, my happiness, my life..!
he is safe and he is with me, I repeat this sentence again and again in my mind. I was still not calm but once he wrapped his hand around my waist pulled me more closer to him thats when my heart starts to relax, it's so funny I never imagined he is gonna be the key of my life.
He hands moves over my back and one of his hand moves towards my hair caressing it.
"angel calm down, your heart is beating so fast " he said running his hand on my back. Even though his touch was setting my body on fire I didn't want him to stop doing it.
"you you were speaking to me and suddenly -" I couldn't find the proper word to speak, I just don't want to think about it.
"shh.. " he said burying his face in my neck and nuzzling.
"I never knew you will miss me so much angel.. " he said placing a soft kiss on base of my neck, I just couldn't control myself and a soft moan escaped from my lips and he chuckled.
seriously I was dying thinking about this guy and here he chuckling and enjoying.
i leave him and turn back resuming to whatever I was doing earlier.
He wrapped his hand around my stomach and pulling me closer to him until my back touches his front.
"I was scared zayden, don't think you are going to escape, why the hell did you switch off your cell " I said trying to remove his hand from my stomach cause firstly I want him to know that I am angry on him and secondly his touch is distracting me.
"babe let me hold you please " he said holding me tightly caressing my stomach with his thumb
The way he said babe melt my heart, he said it in so sexy way.

"and my phone was out of battery so it got switched off.. " he said moving all my hair on one side of my neck.

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