Evil plans.

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Thank you everyone who voted💕💕💕...For those who just read thanks to you too💜!Guys cmon I get somewhere around 200 reads per chapters n I barely get 30 votes.. 😔 it's a matter of one second... Vote for this chapter atleast!! It will encourage me to write more!! 💜


Harriet :

Something was seriously wrong with Rose, Alex, Azra, William.
They didn't speak with each other. Most importantly Alex used to observe rose a lot!! I could sense tension between them.
Rose told me about yesterday incident, I asked rose to forgive Alex, Instead of listening to me she got mad at me saying- now I was taking Alex support even though he was wrong.!

I and azra were sitting in cafeteria speaking about William. Azra was telling me how valuable she felt when he was taking care of her...

My eyes drifted in the direction of the entrance, I choked while drinking coffee.

"Careful! " Azra was rubbing my back.

"I can't believe this! Now surely they will do something to break I and zayden apart " I cried, as I could sense negative vibes.

"They? What are you saying? " Azra questioned sipping her coffee.

"JB sisters, my zayden lovers "I said with a sad tone.

" JB? Who? " Azra asked with blank look on her face.

"Are you really this dumb or you are just acting now?" I sighed staring at two girls who were laughing at some joke.

Jasmine Brown and Jannet Barlow actually became friends.
Azra looked in the direction where I was looking and gasped "Shit! When did they become friends " She was as shocked as I was.

When we were walking back towards our class, I saw Jasmine and jannet walking opposite to us.
"Oh look who I met today , after a long time" Jannet exclaimed dramatically.
Drama queen!!!

"Hello to you too! " I gave her a fake smile while rolling my eyes.
"Oh!! When did you get the character of bitch installed in you " Jennet batted her eyelids pouting.
"The moment I got to know about your evil intension " I mocked her, I didn't knew this side of mine existed.

"You bitch! " Jannet took one step towards me but she was stopped by azra.

"Woah! Where do you think you are going like a bull " Azra chuckled, "Here's a thing okay. If you think just like before you are going to hurt my bestie then you are very wrong " Azra wrapped her hand around my shoulder and gave jannet a glare " Touch my bestie and I will pull all your hair out! " She warned jannet then looking at me she asked,  "So can we go to our class "
I just gave her a nod.

After taking two steps past them azra again stopped "Don't think I give empty warnings bitch " She spat looking at jannet "Hello jasmine, sorry I didn't see you " waving her hand at Jasmine , she pulled me towards class...


Third person pov :

"I hate this harriet, she is the reason I couldn't get zayden" Jannet stomped her foot on the floor feeling frustrated.
"I hate her too but I didn't knew you also had a thing for zayden " Jasmine asked jannet raising her brows.

"Aren't you and Alex a thing? Why do you like zayden then?! " Jannet questioned Jasmine.

"Zayden is my first love! I came here and saw that harriet had already taken my place so I had no other option but to go with Alex " She sighed "When I saw them together ,I felt as if someone has ripped my heart out! " She lifted her gaze looking at the sky and continued, " He was never like this, he has changed a lot... Zayden and romance were like poles apart. And now " Jasmine gritted her teeth " He can't even take his hands off her! " She clenched her fist tightly.

"I like him but I am not obsessed with zayden , so I can help you in pulling that Harriet down cause the attraction I have towards zayden is nothing compare to my hatred towards harriet " Jannet replied my keeping her hand on Jasmine shoulder.

"And what do you want in return?!" Jasmine came on point.
"Well, nothing for now. You can keep zayden all for yourself, I just love seeing harriet suffer. " Jannet gave Jasmine a very cunning smile.

"How do we do that?! Zayden loves harriet " Jasmine let out a long breath.

"To break them, we need to first break the pillar! " Jannet said looking at Jasmine who gave her a confused look in return.
"I have no idea which language you are speaking now? " Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"Simple question! Whom does zayden love the most?? " Jannet asked walking in the front.
"His mom! " Jasmine replied without thinking for a second, jannet stopped in her track and turned around "I didn't ask about that love! "

"Oh! " Jasmine realised the meaning of her question and answered "Harriet "
"Correct and whom does Alex love the most?! " Jannet asked, folding her hands in front of her chest.
"He doesn't love any girl , I guess " Jasmine shrugged.
"You are wrong! " Jannet pointed index finger at her "He loves harriet "
Jasmine mouth hung open, jannet tapped on her temple and said, "Now think of a way to break zayden and Alex friendship keeping harriet in mind... Because this Alex is pain in my ass , he always helps harriet and zayden to get back together "Jannet shouted looking at distant place.

"It's not possible. Breaking Alex and zayden is not at all possible" Jasmine rolled eyes "Think of better ideas "

"If you have any idea , you can suggest it cause this is the only way I am able to come up with " Jannet frowned.


A/N : don't forget to vote!!

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