It's a Protest

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Amelia was making her way down the street the following morning, ignoring the leers coming men in the streets and the children whizzing around her. If she was a weaker woman she would of felt nervous walking down the street on her own but she knew not one man would dare touch her.

Ada had sent a message to her the previous hit that they would be meeting in the betting den and she soon arrived before opening time. The betting den was an unusual place, in an old house that was next to the Shelby residence that always had men waiting outside.

"Morning" she beamed at Polly, Ada, Esme and Lizzie as she took off her hat and leather gloves.

Polly stood next to the takings table with a cigarette perched in her fingers. "You're chipper this morning" she stated with a keen eye.

Amelia shrugged as she took a seat next to Ada who was pouring out drinks at 8am in the morning.

"She was with Tommy" Ada said matter of factly as she shoved a drink into Amelia's hands.

Polly nodded but already knew the information as she heard Tommy come in late, her perfume looming on his skin and in their kitchen.

Amelia took the drink and looked down, her stomach not ready to drink.

"I bloody hope you fucked im' Amelia, the sexual tension between you two makes me feel sick" Esme hissed as she downed her drink.

Amelia coughed awkwardly and tried to cover it by sipping the drink, it made her want to gag.

"Oi that's my brother Esme!" Ada shouted as she looked disgusted over at her sister in law. Esme grinned back but didn't say another word. It was becoming a game between the two to see who can make Amelia cringe more.

Lizzie in the corner just eyed the conversation but didn't have anything to interject so she just downed her drink.

"Why are we drinking?" Amelia asked the room.

"We're going to the protest at The Bullring" Polly stated as she grabbed her bag "these boys think they can piss off to the fair and leave us in ere? Not today ladies. Come on let's go, we'll get some booze on the way!"

Amelia looked over to Ada, amused at the thought of Polly attending an equal pay protest. Ada grinned back and grabbed Amelia's hand.

"Today is going to be fun"

"What about my job?" She whispered to Ada

Ada smiled "You won't be sacked love, that doctor wouldn't want to piss of Tommy"

Amelia had never seen anything like it in her life. There where hundreds of woman protesting with signs and chants, all coming together to protest the poor pay they received.

Polly and Esme had sunk a ships worth of alcohol and where in the middle of a crowd, screaming for their rights. Amelia was amused by them both but held back to drink with Ada.

This was the most wild thing she had done in years and it was taken her a while to warm up. Ada was soon dragging her and Lizzie into the crowd and they continued to drink and chant, laugh and spur Polly on.

"You tell em Polly" Ada shouted as Polly drunkenly climbed onto a wall, a bottle of whiskey in her hand.

"Fucking men am I right?" She screamed and the crowd went crazy as the pushed up their signs further and chanted her name. "What do we want!?"

"Equal pay!" The crowd shouted.

"When do we fucking want it!?" Polly screamed.


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