Chapter |7| Sister Fun

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I stood up, just as the door opened

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I stood up, just as the door opened. I expected some psycho with a knife to run in but instead a girl ran in, still screaming might I add.

She looked to be around my age and had long straight hair. The colour was dark and perfectly matched her eyes. She was stunning. She looked like she just walked out of a Victoria Secret's catalogue.

I envied her really long legs which made her tower over my small height. She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a light pink tank top and ankle boots.

Her make up was flawless and she had a pair of huge sunglasses on her head.

It was clear from the expression on her face that she was screaming in joy and she grabbed me to pull me into a hug.

She was extremely strong and I found myself struggling to breathe. "Don't break her." I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked over her shoulder to see Ryder leaning against the door way, with that stupid smirk on his face again. He walked over to us and had to practically pry her off me.

The girl continued to smile at me, which by the way was very creepy, and I noticed that Ryder was looking down at her. His eyes were filled with, not lust or admiration, but love.

Does he love this girl? What if this is his girlfriend or something? There's no way I can compete with her, not that I have to, I mean I don't want Ryder.

Then again if this was his girlfriend, why would he let her meet me? And why is she so excited to meet me?

Wait, I've heard about these sort of thing. Throuples. Ew, now way am I going to be in a relationship with the both of them and Ryder doesn't seem to be the type of guy to be into that sort of thing.

His apology this morning made me think that he wanted to maybe start something with me. That he was willing to give this marriage a go.

Was I just imagining all that?

"Kira calm down. You can't break her." He said to her teasingly.

"I know I'm just so excited. I never thought this moment would come." She sequels jumping up and down. Okay, this girl is seriously on something.

"Gabi, this is Kira. Kira, Gabi. Kira's my very much annoying little sister." Ohhhhhh! That makes so much more sense. Thank god.

"Oh, it's so nice to meet you." For some reason, I felt jealous when I saw them together but now I'm so much happier now that I know she's his sister.

"When Ryder told me this morning that he's getting married, I seriously thought that I was hallucinating. I mean especially after everything I took last night. I got that stuff off some next level dodgy guy but he turned out to be a good fuck and gave me it for free so everything turned out great. Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, so I was so happy that my big brother was finally settling down and getting away from bitch Destiny."

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