Chapter 8

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I watched Colin take three bottles from the refrigerator and give them to Andrew, and Aiden then kept one for himself. I looked at the bottles curiously. What was in them? Aiden noticed me staring at the bottle and smiled slightly.

"It's a protein drink. Colin, Andrew and I already ate." he said and I nodded.

"Hey miss glarey pants do you like eggs?" Ricky called looking in a cabinet. I scowled.

When I didn't respond he looked away from the cabinet and saw me scowling at him.

"Well I'm sorry. It's not my fault that Bailey didn't tell us your name." he said defensively.

I turned to Bailey, "Oh so you talked about me but you didn't tell them my name? How considerate of you." I say.

"Her name is Alex." Adrian said.

"What a pretty name. So eggs?" Ricky asked grinning. I nodded.

Ricky got a pan from the cabinet and got eggs from the refrigerator and started cooking them. Peter got out five plates and passed them out to us.

"Nice gloves." Peter commented and I stared at him. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be at home watching YouTube or playing my guitar. 

"Here are your eggs your highness."  Ricky said sliding some scrambled eggs on Bailey's plate.

"And for you madam." he said sliding some on to my plate.

"Thank you." I mutter.

"Well at least one of you have manners." he said jokingly then served himself some and Peter and Adrian some.

Bailey handed me a fork and I tasted the eggs. They were surprisingly good.

"Do you like them?" Ricky asked eagerly.

"Yeah much better than that soup Adrain made." 

"Hey that's not fair." Adrian exclaimed his mouth full with eggs.

"Well we all know I'm the best cook." Ricky said smugly.

I listened to everyone chatting with each other as I finished my eggs. I was still hungry so when Bailey wasn't looking I stole some of her food. She didn't notice so I stole some more. I was about to go one last time but she grabbed my wrist.

"Are you trying to steal my eggs?" she asked with a grin.

"Well obviously not anymore."

"Don't steal my food." 

"I'll do what I want. Besides consider it my payment from you kidnapping me."

"Whatever." she said rolling her eyes smiling.

"Wait you kidnapped little Alex here?" Ricky exclaimed.

"I am not little and yes she won't let me leave." I said glaring at Bailey.

"Don't worry little one I'll save you from evil Bailey." he said laughing and grabbed me around the waist, picked me up and ran out of the kitchen.

"Ricky get back here you asshole." she yelled coming after us.

"No I will save this little human from you." he said running up the stairs quickly.

He got to the top of the staircase and then suddenly we were at the end of the hall and Ricky opened a door. How the hell did we get down the hall so fast? 

He closed the door behind us and locked it. He set me down gently and said "Your safe now little one."

I glared at him and punched him in the gut.

"Ow what was that for?" he whined.

"I'm not small."

"But you are though." he said and I raised my fist again.

I turned to the door and unlocked it. As soon as I stepped out I ran into Bailey. I fell to the ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Alex. I didn't see you." she said looking at me apologetically. She reached to help me up but I got up by myself. 

"Whatever." I mutter and walk back down the hall.

My mimd was still stuck on how we magically got to the end of the hall in a matter of seconds. How Bailey can just appear next to me instantly. It was weird.

"Alex I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I spun around and stared at Bailey. I had stopped at the top of the steps. How did she get over to me so fast? Yes she could have ran but wouldn't I have heard her footsteps.

"Your punches hurt." 

I turn to see Ricky and I narrowed my eyes at them. 

"What?" Ricky and Bailey said at the same time.

"Nothing." I mutter and start down the stairs. 

When I entered the kitchen Andrew had Peter in a headlock but when he saw me enter the kitchen he let Peter go. 

"I'm going to the bathroom. Be nice." Bailey said and left.

"Peter I understand your pain. Her punches do hurt." Ricky said entering.

"You two are just wussies." Andrew muttered loud enough for me to hear. 

So he didn't believe that I could punch hard? Well he must be one of those people who are full of themselves and think that they're the best.

"No her punches do hurt." Ricky said defensively while Peter just looked at the ground. 

It was different from his confident self. Even though this is my second time seeing him I could tell   that what Andrew said affected him. Peter seemed like a good guy even if he's annoying. So I walked calmly over to Andrew and looked him in the eyes. His eyes were brown almost black. He shouldn't be putting people down even if it's his brother that's not an excuse. So I punch him in the gut.

He looked surprised then the emotion left his face. "Goth freak." he said quietly.

That made me mad. I kicked him in the shin hard with my Doc Martens. He glared at me and went to punch me in the face but the punch never came. Bailey was standing in front of me and she caught his fist. 

"What the hell Andrew!?" she yelled. This was the first time that I've seen her actually mad.

"She started it. She punched me for no reason." he said.

"I was proving a point." I mutter and glance at Peter. He got me looking at him and gave me a little smile.

"Whatever." he said rolling his eyes.

"How about we all go play video games or something?" Ricky suggested and everyone left and I followed next to Bailey who still looked upset.

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