Chapter 35

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I stared at Bailey in shock. What was she doing here? How did she find me? Was she here the whole time I played?

"Come on you're not going to say hi back?" she said sitting down next to me.

"Hi." I say softly.

"You play beautifully. I should know I've heard some great musicians over the years."

"Thank you."

We sit in silence and I can't help but think about what the man said. Should I just let her in?

"Alex. I don't know what I did to make you shut me out and it hurts me that in someway I hurt you. And it also hurts me that you pushed me away. I wanted to be there for you matter what. Ever since I first introduced myself to you I wanted to be your friend then your girlfriend. If you swung that way of course, I would never force you to do anything that you weren't comfortable with.

When I saw that you were starting to trust me and spend time with me it made me so happy. We trusted each other or at least I thought we did. When you pushed me away I realized that I knew almost nothing about you. I want you to trust me. I want you to choose me. I want you to let me in." Bailey said staring at the sky.

I didn't know what to say. The fact that she was so interested in me was mind blowing. But I had to tell that it wasn't her fault that she did nothing wrong.

"Bailey it's all my fault. I pushed you away not because of something you did but because of my own selfishness. I didn't want to get hurt when..." I pause and I could feel Bailey's gaze on me.

"When what?"

"I thought you were going to die. I mean when I saw you were going die. But then you didn't and I have no idea why but I'm just happy your alive or as alive as a vampire can get." I say not looking at her. I didn't want to see her reaction.

"What? Do you mean I was going to die and you saw it?" Bailey said sounding confused. I took a deep breath.

"I see death. Whenever I touch people's skin I see how they die. The only exception is vampires. Only until a vampire is supposed to die is when I see their death. There's is nothing I can do to stop the death. When it's supposed to happen it happens. The environment around the death can change like what people say, who shows up and stuff like that. But the death itself is the same." I pause for a second then continue.

"I think vampires are the exception. When I touch your or any of the guy's skin I see nothing which when you think about it, it makes sense. You're vampires you live until you're killed. I saw the vampire who killed Owen's death so I assumed that if your a vampire and you're supposed to die you die. But then I saw Ricky's death. But then a few minutes later it changed. That's not supposed to happen. You were supposed to die when we were kidnapped but they got that call and the girl freed us. I don't know why but I think your actions can change whether you die or not. I know it sounds crazy and you have no reason to believe me but I'm telling the truth." I explain.

We sat in silence. I desperately wanted to know what Bailey was thinking.

"Well to be honest it wouldn't be that crazy."


"Well I mean vampires exist so why can't you be able to see death? It makes sense though. Why you freeze up every time you come in contact with a human."

"Bailey at first I wanted nothing more than for you to leave me alone but then you grew on me. I was scared to loose you. I thought what are the odds that someone I can touch with out seeing death likes me. I really do care about you and it hurt me too to push you away and I know it was selfish but I was scared." I say looking at her.

"So does this mean you don't hate me?"

"Of course I don't. And when you barged into Andrew's room I wasn't cheating on you. I just needed someone to smoke with after your friends just told you that you should leave me and honestly I was scared that you going to."

"I see. I mean I wasn't going to leave you. I don't care what my friends think. Sure they were right about Troy but he was a dick to begin with." she said leaning back.

"Are we ok?" I ask tentatively.

"Yes we're ok." Bailey said smiling. She reached out to touch me and flinched. She looked hurt for a moment but then carefully placed her hand on my cheek. Nothing. There was nothing. I smile and immediately kiss her.

When we broke apart Bailey layed down on her back.

"Play me something."

I take out my guitar and start playing.

I got lost in the music and didn't notice the sun was setting until I finished a song and paused to let my fingers rest.

"It's getting dark."


"You don't have your motorcycle?"


"Can I carry you to your house?"

"Sure I guess." I put my guitar back in its case and swing the case on my shoulder and hop on Bailey's back.

She took off running and gracefully dodged all the rocks and roots.

We arrived at my house and I got off her back.

"I'm gonna-"

"Wait do you want to come in?"

"Through the front door?"

"Yes dummy. Come on have dinner with my family."

"Fine let's go." Bailey said reluctantly.

We walk in and I introduce Bailey to my parents. They were thrilled that I finally started dating someone. We had dinner and my parents asked Bailey a lot of questions about school and her family.

Afterwards Bailey and I went up to my room and Bailey proceeded to throw up in my bathroom.

"Why do you throw up after you eat?" I ask laying down on the bed.

"Eating actual food hurts my stomach." she said coming to lay down with me.

"Ah. You can have my blood anytime."

"No. I won't drink from you again even though you tasted very very good." I laugh and we sat in silence for a minute cuddling together.

"After I blacked out, I woke up for a little bit and saw a man with platinum blonde hair who carrying me."

"That was Harry. He wasn't around when you woke up the first time but you should meet him he's a pretty cool dude."

"Maybe I will meet him." I say and cuddle closer to her.

I felt at ease and safe in Bailey's arms and I wish I could stay there forever.

The end


Thank you so much for taking your time to read, vote and comment on this. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thank you so much. :)

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